Significant yearly events, like a birthday, anniversary or the New Year, is an opportunity to turn a new leaf, or start on a clean slate with the help of an annual psychic assessment.
​Get a preview of future probabilities and potentials and reveal some of the highs and lows that may be coming your way over the next four seasons.
Set new personal, professional and life goals and strive for greater fulfillment in the year ahead.
Increase your chances of enjoying a more fulfilling, successful and prosperous year.
What Is An Annual Psychic Forecast?
An annual forecast is mainly a futuristic or prophetic psychic reading that explores extrasensory energy data about the year that lies ahead.
The aim is to support you in preparing for upcoming challenges, inspired you with upcoming possibilities, troubleshoot probabilities and contingencies, solve potential problems before they manifest and/or set your mind ate ease regarding future events.
Predicting The Future
A psychic forecast is not about 'fate,' or 'luck' or mere fortune-telling. Instead it reveals probabilities and contingencies. It offers a forecast of possible outcomes and future developments in your life based on what is most necessary and beneficial for you to known at that particular moment in time.
Remember that you have free will and can change predicted outcomes. A psychic forecast predicts what can happen depending on the various directions you may choose in life, but ultimately it is up to you to choose the best path to manifest your destiny. If you are not happy with the predicted outcomes currently visible on your horizon, then a forecast can guide you in changing your destiny.
Unlike stereotypical fortune-telling, genuine psychic reading is not about tragedy and doom prophecies. A psychic forecast will never predict unavoidable tragedy, disease or death. Every prediction in a reading will always be accompanied by spiritual guidance and metaphysical advice. Even in those rare 'worst case' scenarios you will be be offered a spiritual explanation of why a certain predestined outcome has happened or may become inevitable in your life.
Consultation Fees
Standard Session
$150.00 (30 min)
$190.00 (45 min)
$230.00 (60 min)
$290.00 (90 min)
Emergency Session
$320 (30 min)
$490 (60 min)
Session Packages
$380.00​ (2 x 60 min)
$680.00 (4 x 60 min)
$900.00 (6 x 60 min)
How To Book
​To get a reading simply visit the booking page and schedule an appointment online. It is quick and easy! Once you have selected a date and time, you will automatically be redirected to PayPal for secure payment. You will receive an email confirmation of your appointment.
Help & FAQ's
For more information about readings, booking and payment, and other services visit

Psychic Prediction - Free Will, Fate Or Divine Destiny?
A client once impatiently reprimanded me, "I don't want any coaching or advice, just give me the predictions!" I then had to explain to her that I am a psychic medium, not a fortune-teller.
Psychic reading is often assumed to be synonymous with fortune-telling, and while they may seem similar on the surface, they are in fact two very different practices.
Does that mean I never predict the future? Actually I do. In fact, psychic prediction is an essential component of the daily work I do with clients all over the world. Yes, I absolutely do forecast and predict (often with uncanny accuracy according to the testimonials and feedback I receive), but my readings are not fortune-telling.