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Divine Living Today Guided Meditation by Anthon St. Maarten
attracting abundance guided meditation

Attracting Abundance


​Realign your energy frequency with the limitless stream of abundance, prosperity and well-being that flows through all of creation.


Re-calibrate your resonance with the plentiful, generous resources and riches of the Universe. Abundance is an eternal blessing from Source Energy, to which we have unlimited access at all times. Reclaim your rightful share by restoring your alignment with this powerful stream of creative energy.


Voice: Anthon St. Maarten

Music: Christopher Lloyd Clarke

Duration: 26:27
Format: MP3
File size: 48.4 MB

Apple Music
Amazon Music



Attracting Abundance Guided Meditation features a powerful prosperity narration by psychic medium and destiny coach Anthon St. Maarten. The music composition for this meditation is awash with shimmering chimes and slow moving synthesized instruments that gradually ebb and flow, like the movement of breath in and out of the body. The palette of blissful sounds is reminiscent of the movement of color and the brilliance of light in musical form, and creates the perfect atmospheric accompaniment for the breath-work and relaxation techniques, as well as the powerful affirmations, vivid guided imagery and visualizations featured in this meditation.



What Is Abundance?


Abundance flows generously through all of creation. All you need to do is claim your rightful share! The Attracting Abundance guided meditation MP3 by Anthon St. Maarten is designed to  realign your energy frequency with the limitless stream of abundance, prosperity and well-being that flows through all of creation.

​This meditation re-calibrates your personal resonance with the plentiful, generous resources and riches of the universe, to which you have unlimited access at all times if you are in alignment with Source Energy.

​Abundance is your birthright. Your life is a miraculous expression of the all-benevolent, all-encompassing creative Source of everything that is, was and ever will be. You are the heir to a heavenly fortune, the sole beneficiary of an infinite spiritual trust fund. You are a shareholder in a proverbial goldmine of sacred abundance, a treasure chest beyond all common measure, beyond our limited human understanding. But until you assert your rightful inheritance of this blessed gift, it will remain unclaimed and forever beyond your reach.



Lack & Scarcity


You did not come into this life to suffer all manner of poverty, hardship and deprivation. Lack and scarcity is not your fate.  Lack and scarcity is man-made. It is not of Spirit. It is not of Source. Our needs cannot be fulfilled if lack consciousness or a scarcity mentality prevent us from fully tapping into the stream of well-being that is always available to us. Abundance already exists everywhere in your life. It is all around you. All you need to do is tune into it, and align with it. You must allow it to flow into your reality experience. And you can start doing this today



Wealth & Prosperity


Abundance is much more than mere material wealth and financial prosperity. Abundance is a state of mind, a way of being in this world. Abundance is a feeling, and a choice. True abundance is an attitude of appreciation and gratitude for all the richness and good fortune that life has to offer. Abundance is having all your basic needs met, as well as having access to all the resources you need to be of service to the rest of the world. Abundance is knowing that nothing truly belongs to you, but that everything is also yours. 

​Abundance is the delight with which we savor every blissful moment. It is the joy with which we greet each new day. Abundance is embracing the metaphysical superpowers that your  have been given to create your best life and fulfill your true destiny. Abundance is to no longer want for anything, to be existentially full and complete. This is the true essence of an abundant life.

The Chakra System

The chakra system conducts the flow of universal life energy into and from the aura. The chakras or energy centers act as receptors, storage points and transmitters of psychic energy.

Meditation Guidelines

Meditation as a spiritual practice is essential for your spiritual development and increased alignment with the Divine Self. Discover the practical benefits of a daily meditation practice.

Guided Meditations

Learn to meditate the easy way with the Divine Living Today Guided Meditation series. Download or stream some of my guided meditations and get started today.

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