Clairintuition - The Gift Of Psychic PremonitionThe phenomenon of clairintuition or authentic psychic foreboding is generally misconceived by science and misconstrued in popular culture.
Clairsomatica - The Gift Of Psychic SensationClairsomatica or psychic somatosensation is the supernatural embodiment of touch, pressure, vibration, temperature, proprioception, and pain
Clairolfaction – The Gift Of Psychic SmellThe psychic sense of smell is found in various paranormal and psi phenomena. It is an unusual, rare psychic ability known as clairolfaction.
Clairgustance – The Gift Of Psychic TasteClairgustance or 'psychic taste' is probably the most rare and unusual of all supernatural experiences. It may seen strange, but it's useful
The Scientific Evidence For Psychic Empath PhenomenaExtrasensory clairempathy or ‘psychic empathy’ is not recognized in mainstream science, but there is a growing body scientific evidence.
The Clairsentience MythWhat we traditionally think of as the psychic ability of clairsentience, is not a singular psychic sense or ‘clair sense.’