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Booking FAQ
How To Book
What is a psychic reading?Psychic channeling or 'reading' is the supernatural perception of metaphysical information or 'energy data' regarding your past, present and future. Known in parapsychology and psi research as extrasensory perception (ESP), and colloquially as psychic sensing or clair sensing, your energy information is 'channeled' or 'read' to offer you spiritual guidance, metaphysical insight, energy healing, as well as the prediction of current probabilities and future potentials. ​ The purpose of a psychic reading is to: guide and support you in making the best possible life choices improve your quality of life enhance your personal fulfillment inspire, enlighten, heal, and uplift your mind, body and soul assist you in releasing the past increase your abundance, prosperity, joy and happiness ensure your soul purpose alignment and spiritual growth promotes spiritual self-empowerment help you avoid unnecessary negative events and outcomes in your future. True psychic reading is not fortune-telling. Fortune-telling is a myth, because we don't have a 'fortune.' We are not passive victims of a pre-destined fate, like puppets or robots acting out a prescripted fate. We shape our own destiny every day through our free will choices, decisions, beliefs, thoughts and actions. The value and success of a psychic reading is measured by the wisdom, insight and upliftment it brings you and not merely predictions or forecasts. A psychic reading is not just about career opportunities, good fortune, or meeting 'tall, dark strangers.' It is a sacred portal to manifesting your true destiny. You should also never live your life solely by what is revealed during a psychic reading, but rather use the information as a guideline and inspiration to better shape your future and live your best life.
What is a mediumship reading?Mediumship is the process whereby a human instrument known as a medium or channel communicates with one or more discarnate spirit beings, energies or personalities. Mediumship is joint effort between the medium in the physical world and a personality, entity or being on the spirit realm, who is the actual communicator. The medium is merely the messenger or conveyer of the information communicated by spirit. The main aim of a mediumship reading is usually to offer afterlife validation or evidence that our consciousness continues beyond this life. Authentic mediumship seeks to validate, console, heal and uplift.
Are you a psychic or a medium?A psychic and a medium is in essence the same thing. A medium is simply a 'specialized' type of psychic. I am a hereditary psychic medium, as I inherited my psychic mediumship gift from my paternal grandmother. A psychic medium is someone who has both psychic perception and mediumship channeling abilities. ​ Psychic means 'pertaining to the mind and soul.’ It derives from Greek psykhikos, ‘of the soul, spirit, or mind,’ and psykhē, ‘soul, mind.' A psychic has the innate ability or augmented mental capacity to channel metaphysical information or 'energy data' from the universal consciousness or akashic record. Being a psychic means I consciously perceive nonphysical information about a living person's past experiences and present circumstances, as well as their future probabilities and potentials, including the most likely outcomes of their current life trajectory. Mediumship is a classic spiritualist term dating back to its first known use in 1852 and is derived from medium, meaning an 'intermediate agent' or 'channel of communication' who conveys spiritual information. As a medium I channel the supernatural information or nonphysical 'energy data' of deceased relatives, ancestors, and previous life incarnations, as well as omniscient sagacity (universal 'wisdom data') embedded in the akashic record or spirit realm for the purpose of broader spiritual guidance, metaphysical insight and societal upliftment.
What is destiny coaching?Destiny coaching combines powerful life coaching strategies with spiritual guidance and metaphysical tools to empower you to live your life by design. These extrasensory consultations reach far beyond the confines of standard life coaching to help you create, attract and manifest the lifestyle, career, business and/or relationship you desire and deserve. Destiny coaching is the complete mind-body-soul-spirit alternative to traditional life coaching, infused with personalized spiritual guidance and powerful metaphysical methodologies to ensure much greater transformational success. It can help you uncover your true destiny, recalibrate your soul alignment, identify your soul purpose and life calling, kick your inner guidance system back into gear, manifest personal healing, achieve happiness and fulfillment, and attract lasting success, abundance and prosperity.
Can I get an in-person reading at your home or office?I no longer offer in-person readings to local clients due to a demanding schedule and a predominantly international clientele. New clients are invited to make use of my Phone or Google Meet reading service.
Are in-person readings not better than remote readings?There is no significant difference between a remote reading and in-person reading. Authentic psychic reading is a metaphysical or supernatural process that does not need you to be physically present in the room with the reader. The metaphysical information or 'energy data' that a psychic or medium 'reads' is not coming directly from you, but is instead channeled from the universal consciousness (also known as the unified field, astral planes, the matrix, spirit realm, akashic recordsm, etc). The channeled information in a reading is therefore not derived from the physical world because it is: nonlocal (transcends space, time and distance) nonphysical (metaphysical or supernatural) nonsensory (mental awareness without the five ordinary senses or physical sensing) omnipresent (present everywhere at the same time, all the time) universal (it is applicable and accessible anywhere and everywhere by anyone and anything) The only advantage of in-person readings may be that it possibly adds a more intimate, social atmosphere to a reading session. In-person consultations are also useful for some psychic specialties, such as psychometric work (reading energy through physical touch or holiding an object that belongs to the person). On the other hand, remote readings by phone, text or email can actually have the advantage of being more pure, untainted and accurate, since the psychic or medium is less likely to be influenced or distracted by the client's body language, facial expressions, or physical appearance. Many clients also find remote readings more comfortable and less intimidating, since it is more discreet and impersonal.
Can I get an email reading?I no longer offer email readings, as they are too time-consuming and labor-intensive to accommodate in my busy schedule. They are simply not practical. You are invited to make use of one of my Phone or Google Meet reading service instead.
Can I email you after my reading to ask follow-up questions?Much as I would love to my schedule does not allow me the luxury to be in on-going correspondence with clients. I am always generous with my time and energy during readings. Please be respectful and considerate, and do not take advantage of my generosity.
Are your services available on the Caribbean island of St. Maarten?I have no personal connection whatsoever with the island of St. Maarten. I was not born there, and I do not live or work there. In fact, I have never been there :)
Rescheduling & Cancellation
What is a psychic reading?Psychic channeling or 'reading' is the supernatural perception of metaphysical information or 'energy data' regarding your past, present and future. Known in parapsychology and psi research as extrasensory perception (ESP), and colloquially as psychic sensing or clair sensing, your energy information is 'channeled' or 'read' to offer you spiritual guidance, metaphysical insight, energy healing, as well as the prediction of current probabilities and future potentials. ​ The purpose of a psychic reading is to: guide and support you in making the best possible life choices improve your quality of life enhance your personal fulfillment inspire, enlighten, heal, and uplift your mind, body and soul assist you in releasing the past increase your abundance, prosperity, joy and happiness ensure your soul purpose alignment and spiritual growth promotes spiritual self-empowerment help you avoid unnecessary negative events and outcomes in your future. True psychic reading is not fortune-telling. Fortune-telling is a myth, because we don't have a 'fortune.' We are not passive victims of a pre-destined fate, like puppets or robots acting out a prescripted fate. We shape our own destiny every day through our free will choices, decisions, beliefs, thoughts and actions. The value and success of a psychic reading is measured by the wisdom, insight and upliftment it brings you and not merely predictions or forecasts. A psychic reading is not just about career opportunities, good fortune, or meeting 'tall, dark strangers.' It is a sacred portal to manifesting your true destiny. You should also never live your life solely by what is revealed during a psychic reading, but rather use the information as a guideline and inspiration to better shape your future and live your best life.
What is a mediumship reading?Mediumship is the process whereby a human instrument known as a medium or channel communicates with one or more discarnate spirit beings, energies or personalities. Mediumship is joint effort between the medium in the physical world and a personality, entity or being on the spirit realm, who is the actual communicator. The medium is merely the messenger or conveyer of the information communicated by spirit. The main aim of a mediumship reading is usually to offer afterlife validation or evidence that our consciousness continues beyond this life. Authentic mediumship seeks to validate, console, heal and uplift.
Are you a psychic or a medium?A psychic and a medium is in essence the same thing. A medium is simply a 'specialized' type of psychic. I am a hereditary psychic medium, as I inherited my psychic mediumship gift from my paternal grandmother. A psychic medium is someone who has both psychic perception and mediumship channeling abilities. ​ Psychic means 'pertaining to the mind and soul.’ It derives from Greek psykhikos, ‘of the soul, spirit, or mind,’ and psykhē, ‘soul, mind.' A psychic has the innate ability or augmented mental capacity to channel metaphysical information or 'energy data' from the universal consciousness or akashic record. Being a psychic means I consciously perceive nonphysical information about a living person's past experiences and present circumstances, as well as their future probabilities and potentials, including the most likely outcomes of their current life trajectory. Mediumship is a classic spiritualist term dating back to its first known use in 1852 and is derived from medium, meaning an 'intermediate agent' or 'channel of communication' who conveys spiritual information. As a medium I channel the supernatural information or nonphysical 'energy data' of deceased relatives, ancestors, and previous life incarnations, as well as omniscient sagacity (universal 'wisdom data') embedded in the akashic record or spirit realm for the purpose of broader spiritual guidance, metaphysical insight and societal upliftment.
What is destiny coaching?Destiny coaching combines powerful life coaching strategies with spiritual guidance and metaphysical tools to empower you to live your life by design. These extrasensory consultations reach far beyond the confines of standard life coaching to help you create, attract and manifest the lifestyle, career, business and/or relationship you desire and deserve. Destiny coaching is the complete mind-body-soul-spirit alternative to traditional life coaching, infused with personalized spiritual guidance and powerful metaphysical methodologies to ensure much greater transformational success. It can help you uncover your true destiny, recalibrate your soul alignment, identify your soul purpose and life calling, kick your inner guidance system back into gear, manifest personal healing, achieve happiness and fulfillment, and attract lasting success, abundance and prosperity.
Can I get an in-person reading at your home or office?I no longer offer in-person readings to local clients due to a demanding schedule and a predominantly international clientele. New clients are invited to make use of my Phone or Google Meet reading service.
Are in-person readings not better than remote readings?There is no significant difference between a remote reading and in-person reading. Authentic psychic reading is a metaphysical or supernatural process that does not need you to be physically present in the room with the reader. The metaphysical information or 'energy data' that a psychic or medium 'reads' is not coming directly from you, but is instead channeled from the universal consciousness (also known as the unified field, astral planes, the matrix, spirit realm, akashic recordsm, etc). The channeled information in a reading is therefore not derived from the physical world because it is: nonlocal (transcends space, time and distance) nonphysical (metaphysical or supernatural) nonsensory (mental awareness without the five ordinary senses or physical sensing) omnipresent (present everywhere at the same time, all the time) universal (it is applicable and accessible anywhere and everywhere by anyone and anything) The only advantage of in-person readings may be that it possibly adds a more intimate, social atmosphere to a reading session. In-person consultations are also useful for some psychic specialties, such as psychometric work (reading energy through physical touch or holiding an object that belongs to the person). On the other hand, remote readings by phone, text or email can actually have the advantage of being more pure, untainted and accurate, since the psychic or medium is less likely to be influenced or distracted by the client's body language, facial expressions, or physical appearance. Many clients also find remote readings more comfortable and less intimidating, since it is more discreet and impersonal.
Can I get an email reading?I no longer offer email readings, as they are too time-consuming and labor-intensive to accommodate in my busy schedule. They are simply not practical. You are invited to make use of one of my Phone or Google Meet reading service instead.
Can I email you after my reading to ask follow-up questions?Much as I would love to my schedule does not allow me the luxury to be in on-going correspondence with clients. I am always generous with my time and energy during readings. Please be respectful and considerate, and do not take advantage of my generosity.
Are your services available on the Caribbean island of St. Maarten?I have no personal connection whatsoever with the island of St. Maarten. I was not born there, and I do not live or work there. In fact, I have never been there :)
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