Crown Chakra Activation
Re-calibrate your inner spiritual gateway to higher consciousness and the Divine. Renew your path towards spiritual enlightenment, cosmic wisdom and a profound sense of universal truth.
Rediscover your mystical oneness with everyone and everything in the Universe, and become more fully connected to the greater field of consciousness. Develop a deeper sense of your spiritual purpose and the true meaning of life.
Voice: Anthon St. Maarten
Music: Christopher Lloyd Clarke
Duration: 21:31
Format: MP3
File size: 39.4 MB
Crown Chakra Activation guided meditation is designed to fully activate and balance the crown chakra. This meditation re-calibrates your spiritual gateway to the divine self, higher consciousness and the Divine Source of creation, and sets you on a renewed path towards spiritual enlightenment, cosmic wisdom and a deep sense of universal truth. You will rediscover your mystical oneness with everyone and everything in the Universe, and become more fully connected to the greater field of consciousness.
Activating this chakra enlightens us to live with gratitude, faith and unconditional love, because we grow to realize that we are an integral part of the larger scheme of life, and that everything is interconnected and guided by a Higher, Universal Power. The more conscious and connected we become to our spiritual origins, the more blissful, peaceful and harmonious our life becomes in this time-space reality, because we develop a greater sense of our spiritual purpose and the deeper meaning of life. ​This meditation is the final in a series of seven activations for the primary chakra system.
The music composition on this recording was designed to activate the crown chakra, while preparing the physical body for deep relaxation. The composition evokes the timeless, limitless nature of pure awareness and universal consciousness. As the music unfolds, melodic xylophone bells gradually give way to a wash of celestial choir chords and shimmering chimes that uplift and inspire the listener to an elevated state of expanded consciousness.
Each of the seven primary chakras correspond to the seven basic notes on the musical scale, namely the keys of C, D, E, F, G, A and B. The music for this meditation was composed in the key of B.
The Purpose Of Crown Chakra Activation
Does your life lack purpose and meaning?
Do you fear ageing or dying?
Do you feel disconnected from reality?
Are you constantly feeling exhausted or depressed?
Do you often contemplate suicide?
Do you feel spiritually disconnected or lost?
Are you overly obsessed with your spirituality at the expense of your physical needs?
Are you seeking a deeper spiritual connection?
​If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, your crown chakra may be in need of realignment and balancing to restore optimal energy flow.
The chakras are spinning energy vortexes, which may begin to malfunction or become unbalanced due to various physical, mental, spiritual and environmental influences and life traumas. Unbalanced chakras need to be re-calibrated, similar to the wheels on a car when they become unstable and begin to wobble. Energy flow to and from the chakras can also become congested or restricted, similar to a blocked drain in the bathroom. Chakra activation and balancing is the process of re-stabilizing and restoring harmonious and efficient energy flow to the energy centers.
A variety of spiritual practices and holistic methodologies can be used to successfully activate and balance the chakras, including therapeutic massage, meditation, yoga, reiki, craniosacral therapy, pranic healing, breath work, aromatherapy, crystal healing, color therapy and nutrition. Guided meditation, featuring breathing exercises, mindful relaxation techniques, visualizations, affirmations and customized music composed in the appropriate key for each chakra, is one of the most popular and powerful techniques to heal and balance the chakras.

The Thousand-Petalled Lotus symbolizes our connection to all other beings and the universe.
Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is the seventh and highest energy center of the primary chakra system, located at the crown of your head, just above the top of your head.
This energy center is the ultimate portal to spiritual enlightenment, cosmic wisdom and a deep sense of universal truth. It is the birthplace of spiritual enlightenment and our connection to all that is, was and ever will be. It is the gateway to the divine self, to higher consciousness and the Divine Source of creation of everything in the Universe.
​The crown chakra is both the receiver and giver of consciousness. It is the sacred place where we unite with the collective pool of universal consciousness. It is the energetic meeting point between finite and infinite, where time and timelessness intersect, and where the physical blends with the non-physical. Here we bridge the gap between human existence and the Divine.
The crown chakra is the seat of the superconscious mind and the home of transcendence and unity with the Divine. Through this chakra we experience the deeper meaning of life and understand that there is an order that underlies all of existence. We sense a mystical oneness with everyone and everything, and we come to the selfless realization that everything is connected at a fundamental level.
​Activating this chakra enlightens us to live with gratitude, faith and unconditional love, because we grow to realize that we are an integral part of the larger scheme of life, and that everything is interconnected and guided by a Higher, Universal Power. It generates a deep understanding of, and contentment with our role and place in the Universe. It fully connects us to the greater field of consciousness around us, and with the unseen, the formless, the limitless, and all eternity.
​The more conscious and connected we become to our spiritual origins, the more blissful, peaceful and harmonious our life becomes in this time-space reality. We develop a greater sense of our spiritual purpose and the meaning of life.
Signs & Symptoms Of Crown Chakra Imbalance
The following physical and psychological symptoms may indicate an imbalance or blockage in the energy flow of the crown chakra. We are often not aware of a chakra imbalance, until the body suddenly makes us aware by presenting these symptoms.
These symptoms are the chakra's emergency 'warning system' to make us aware of an energy flow obstruction, or imbalances caused by unwanted underlying mind-body-spirit issues or difficulties. It is therefore spirit's way of demanding our attention, in order to address and correct theses hidden or latent physical, mental, emotional and /or spiritual problems for our own well-being and highest good.
Emotional / Mental
Amnesia, cognitive disorder or mental confusion
Apathy, disillusionment, hopelessness and nihilism
Bipolar disorder
Delusions, hallucinations, psychosis, or catatonia
Destructive or extremist behavior
Disassociation from body, or reality
Dogmatic religious or spiritual views, or religious fundamentalism
Egotism or feelings of superiority toward others
Fear of aging or dying
Flighty, 'airy-fairy' behavior
Distress or hysteria
Inability to connect with others, isolation and loneliness
Lack of conscience
Lack of life purpose
Neglecting physical needs
Obsessive spirituality
Personality disorder
Prejudice and bigotry
Self-limiting beliefs
Sleep disturbances
Spiritual closed-mindedness, cynicism and skepticism
Spiritual disconnection or discontent
Spiritual exhaustion
Spiritual ignorance
Suicidal thoughts or behavior
Physical / Medical
Alzheimer’s disease
Anorexia nervosa
Auto-immune disorder
Brain tumor
Chronic exhaustion
Insensitivity to physical stimuli
Lack of co-ordination and clumsiness
Mental illness
Multiple sclerosis
Muscular disease
Nerve pain
Neurological disorder
Parkinson's disease
Pituitary endocrine imbalance
Poor balance
Recurring headache or migraine
Schizophrenia and delusional disorder
Skin disease
The contents of this audio recording, and its accompanying information, is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional medical or healthcare advice, therapy or treatment. This meditation is not intended for the purpose of medical diagnosis, or for the sole treatment of any health issue or medical symptom. You should always seek professional medical attention and consult with a registered, licensed healthcare provider, before adopting any form of medical advice, therapy or treatment for any mental or physical health problem. If you are experiencing a serious medical emergency, emotional crisis, or potentially life threatening health problem, you are advised to contact your local emergency services, crisis center or a support line in your area, or go to your nearest hospital emergency room for assistance.