Root Chakra Activation
Restore a sense of physical safety and material security. Restore your trust in the world to provide in your basic physical and emotional needs.
Establish greater emotional and psychological stability, especially during times of instability and change.
Create a solid foundation for activating the other chakras located above this base chakra.
Voice: Anthon St. Maarten
Music: Christopher Lloyd Clarke
Duration: 16:41
Format: MP3
File size: 30.6 MB
Root Chakra Activation guided meditation is designed to fully activate and rebalance the first chakra or 'base chakra.' It restores a sense of physical safety and material security, and establishes greater emotional and psychological stability, especially during times of instability and change.
This guided meditation further aims to restore your trust in the world to provide in your basic physical and emotional needs. This meditation is the first in a series of seven activations for the primary chakra system and establishes a solid foundation for opening the other chakras, located above the root chakra.
The music composition on this recording was designed to activate the base chakra, while preparing the physical body for deep relaxation. Each of the seven primary chakras correspond to the seven basic notes on the musical scale, namely the keys of C, D, E, F, G, A and B. The music for this meditation was composed in the key of C. It features tribal percussion, ethnic instruments and deep, warm tones blended together in a soulful composition that is both grounding and soothing.
The Purpose Of Root Chakra Activation
Do you no longer feel safe and secure in this world?
Are you constantly feeling anxious, fearful or vulnerable?
Are you feeling disconnected or unsupported in life?
Do you often feel like you don't belong?
Have you lost confidence in the future?
Do you feel unstable and adrift without an anchor?
​If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, your root chakra may be in need of realignment and balancing to restore optimal energy flow.
The chakras are spinning energy vortexes, which may begin to malfunction or become unbalanced due to various physical, mental, spiritual and environmental influences and life traumas. Unbalanced chakras need to be re-calibrated, similar to the wheels on a car when they become unstable and begin to wobble. Energy flow to and from the chakras can also become congested or restricted, similar to a blocked drain in the bathroom. Chakra activation and balancing is the process of re-stabilizing and restoring harmonious and efficient energy flow to the energy centers.
A variety of spiritual practices and holistic methodologies can be used to successfully activate and balance the chakras, including therapeutic massage, meditation, yoga, reiki, craniosacral therapy, pranic healing, breath work, aromatherapy, crystal healing, color therapy and nutrition. Guided meditation, featuring breathing exercises, mindful relaxation techniques, visualizations, affirmations and customized music composed in the appropriate key for each chakra, is one of the most popular and powerful techniques to heal and balance the chakras.

Muladhara: The Root Chakra
The root chakra is the first energy center of the seven primary chakras located at the base of your spine. It is considered the foundation of the energy body and primarily responsible for making you feel safe and secure in this world.
​It is therefore vital that this energy base must be sufficiently stabilized, fully activated and balanced, as this first chakra is the energetic foundation of our physical, human existence in this lifetime.
​This chakra is associated with the energy of survival and with grounding in the physical plane. When there is imbalance in the base chakra we may feel anxious, insecure and disconnected from the physical world around us.
The Four-Petalled Lotus signifies the four fundamental aspects of human awareness namely the mind, intellect, consciousness and ego.
Signs & Symptoms Of Root Chakra Imbalance
The following physical and psychological symptoms may indicate an imbalance or blockage in the energy flow of the root chakra. We are often not aware of a chakra imbalance, until the body suddenly makes us aware by presenting these symptoms.
These symptoms are the chakra's emergency 'warning system' to make us aware of an energy flow obstruction, or imbalances caused by unwanted underlying mind-body-spirit issues or difficulties. It is therefore spirit's way of demanding our attention, in order to address and correct theses hidden or latent physical, mental, emotional and /or spiritual problems for our own well-being and highest good.
Emotional / Mental
Anxiety disorders and phobias
Depression and suicidal thoughts
Feeling fearful, lost or unsafe
Feeling disconnected or unsupported
Gambling addiction
Greed, hoarding, preoccupation with material possessions and self-preservation
Lack of trust and confidence in the future
Nightmares and sleep disorders
Obsessive-compulsive behavior
Restlessness, nervousness
Selfishness and unwillingness to share with others
Worries about survival and basic needs not being met.
Physical / Medical
Arthritis, sciatica and lower extremity joint pain
Blood disorders
Clumsiness and lack of coordination
Colon, kidney, bladder symptoms
Digestion and elimination issues, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hemorrhoids, constipation, diarrhea, gas, poor metabolism
Eating disorders, malnutrition, obesity, food addiction
Poor circulation in lower extremities and varicose veins
Poor sense of smell
Spinal or skeletal issues, including lower back pain, sciatica, joint pain, hip problems, issues with legs, knees or feet.
The contents of this audio recording, and its accompanying information, is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional medical or healthcare advice, therapy or treatment. This meditation is not intended for the purpose of medical diagnosis, or for the sole treatment of any health issue or medical symptom. You should always seek professional medical attention and consult with a registered, licensed healthcare provider, before adopting any form of medical advice, therapy or treatment for any mental or physical health problem. If you are experiencing a serious medical emergency, emotional crisis, or potentially life threatening health problem, you are advised to contact your local emergency services, crisis center or a support line in your area, or go to your nearest hospital emergency room for assistance.