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- Share Your Story | Anthon St. Maarten
Submit Review Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Medium Have you had a reading with me? Kindly share your experience with others! You may remain anonymous by using a pseudonym. NOTE: I only accept submissions from actual clients using their own email address. Kindly do not use this form to contact me as you will not receive a response. Please use the email contact form. You may publish my real name: YES NO SUBMIT REVIEW
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- Books by Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Medium |
The Sensible Psychic A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception The no-nonsense guide to psychic channeling and mediumship that dispels many of the modern myths and misconceptions regarding authentic psychic ability, supernatural perception, and the so-called 'clair senses.’ LEARN MORE ORDER NOW Divine Living The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny The conscious living guidebook that explores the deeper meaning and purpose of your life, reveals your divine origins, empowers you to reclaim your true destiny and teaches you how to manifest the amazing life you were always meant to have. LEARN MORE ORDER NOW
- Annual Psychic Forecast | Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Medium & Destiny Coach
Annual Forecast Anthon St. Maarten P s y chic Medium Significant yearly events, like a birthday, anniversary or the New Year, is an opportunity to turn a new leaf, or start on a clean slate with the help of an annual psychic assessment. Get a preview of future probabilities and potentials and reveal some of the highs and lows that may be coming your way over the next four seasons. Set new personal, professional and life goals and strive for greater fulfillment in the year ahead. Increase your chances of enjoying a more fulfilling, successful and prosperous year. What Is An Annual Psychic Forecast? An annual forecast is mainly a futuristic or prophetic psychic reading that explores extrasensory energy data about the year that lies ahead. The aim is to support you in preparing for upcoming challenges, inspired you with upcoming possibilities, troubleshoot probabilities and contingencies, solve potential problems before they manifest and/or set your mind ate ease regarding future events. Predicting The Future A psychic forecast is not about 'fate,' or 'luck' or mere fortune-telling. Instead it reveals probabilities and contingencies. It offers a forecast of possible outcomes and future developments in your life based on what is most necessary and beneficial for you to known at that particular moment in time. Remember that you have free will and can change predicted outcomes. A psychic forecast predicts what can happen depending on the various directions you may choose in life, but ultimately it is up to you to choose the best path to manifest your destiny. If you are not happy with the predicted outcomes currently visible on your horizon, then a forecast can guide you in changing your destiny. Unlike stereotypical fortune-telling, genuine psychic reading is not about tragedy and doom prophecies. A psychic forecast will never predict unavoidable tragedy, disease or death. Every prediction in a reading will always be accompanied by spiritual guidance and metaphysical advice. Even in those rare 'worst case' scenarios you will be be offered a spiritual explanation of why a certain predestined outcome has happened or may become inevitable in your life. Consultation Fees Standard Session $15 0.00 (30 min) $190.00 (45 min) $230.00 (60 min) $290.00 (90 min) Emergency Session $320 (30 min) $490 (60 min) Session Packages $380.00 (2 x 60 min) $680.00 (4 x 60 min) $900.00 (6 x 60 min) How To Book To get a reading simply visit the booking page and schedule an appointment online. It is quick and easy! Once you have selected a date and time, you will automatically be redirected to PayPal for secure payment. You will receive an email confirmation of your appointment. BOOK A READING Help & FAQ's For more information about readings, booking and payment, and other services visit Help & Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) . PHONE READING Get a reading on your landline or mobile phone. You receive a call on the number you provide so there is no additional call costs. SKYPE READING Get a reading using Skype™ and your computer, tablet or smartphone. All you need is a headphone or earphones with a mic. READING PACKAGE Get a series of readings scheduled in advance with priority access at a special discount rate. Ideal for regular clients or coaching sessions. EMERGENCY READING Your life in crisis? Get an urgent reading in times of chaos, turmoil or indecision. No need to wait, just schedule an emergency session. Psychic Prediction - Free Will, Fate Or Divine Destiny? A client once impatiently reprimanded me, "I don't want any coaching or advice, just give me the predictions!" I then had to explain to her that I am a psychic medium, not a fortune-teller. Psychic reading is often assumed to be synonymous with fortune-telling, and while they may seem similar on the surface, they are in fact two very different practices. Does that mean I never predict the future? Actually I do. In fact, psychic prediction is an essential component of the daily work I do with clients all over the world. Yes, I absolutely do forecast and predict (often with uncanny accuracy according to the testimonials and feedback I receive), but my readings are not fortune-telling. READ MORE PSYCHIC READING Metaphysical insight into the past, present and future for empowerment, healing, success and personal fulfilment. Forecasting of probabilities and potentials. Guidance to navigate co-creations and predestined divine interventions. DESTINY COACHING Life design and destiny intervention for career, business, relationship and lifestyle success powered by metaphysics. The supernatural alternative to traditional life coaching for profound personal guidance and transformation. MEDIUMSHIP READING Spiritual channeling to counsel, enlighten, console, heal and inspire. Afterlife validation, karmic insight, prophetic revelation, and spiritual guidance from departed loved ones, ancestors, akashic records, and the spirit realm.
- Psychic Reading Discounts & Special Offers |
Special Discounts VIP MEMBERS RED EEM YOUR DISCOUNT NOW To claim your discou nt session visit the special booking page . To access the booking page enter the PROMO CODE indicated in the email. LIMITED BOOKINGS AVAILABLE Offer expires December 15, 2024 at 24:00 (GMT) or when time slots are sold out . BOOKING PAGE AVAILABLE BY INVITATION ONLY Special discounts are accessible to subscribers only . Join the VIP mailing list to be included in exclusive future offers. JOIN NOW
- Psychic Services | Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Medium & Destiny Coach
Psychic Services Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Medium PHONE READING Get a reading on your landline or mobile phone. READING PACKAGE Schedule a series of readings at a discount rate. SKYPE READING Get a Skype™ call on your computer, tablet or phone. GIFT READING Buy a gift reading for loved one, friend or relative . EMERGENCY READING Schedule an emergency reading when it's urgent. REFER-A-FRIEND Refer a friend for a discount and earn a free reading.
- A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception
Not another psychic book about oracle cards, crystal balls and tea leaves The Sensible Psychic is a level-headed guide to true psychic channeling and mediumship that dispels many of the modern myths and misconceptions regarding psychic ability, supernatural perception, and the so-called 'clair senses.' The Sensible Psychic explores both the spirituality and science of psychic channeling and mediumship. This trailblazing guide is not just another 'psychic’ book about oracle card divination, numerology, astrology, crystal ball scrying, or reading tea leaves in a cup. It is an honest, no-nonsense investigation of the authentic abilities of everyday psychics and mediums that explores the true nature of psychic perception and supernatural channeling. The Sensible Psychic bridges the gap between a rational left-brain and an intuitive right-brain approach to psychic perception by finding a level-headed middle-ground between theory and practice, physics and metaphysics, and science and spirituality. It is a sober, user-friendly account that features both new and revised psychic terminology, as well as a re-imagined conceptual model for psychic perception that challenges an outmoded, yet persistent misconception: psychics and mediums do not 'sense,' they perceive . The must-have new resource for sensible psychics and mediums and their clients Practitioners A redefining reference text for professional psychics and mediums who prefer a pragmatic approach to psychic channeling and mediumship based on relatable concepts, accurate representation, sensible science, and common sense terminology. Clients An informative guide for clients who consult with professional psychics and mediums and need reliable information to find trustworthy, authentic service providers without the typical misrepresentations and 'woo-woo' clichés. Students A self-empowering primer for developing psychics and mediums to expand their psychic vocabulary and gain a deeper understanding of their metaphysical gifts without the confusing myths, misnomers and misinformation. Explorers A no-nonsense compendium for psi enthusiasts and esoteric seekers who are keen to investigate psychic phenomena, mystical experiences and the supernatural beyond pop culture ‘hocus pocus’ and mainstream stereotypes. Myth-busting real talk that answers many puzzling questions The book's title not only signifies a more 'sensible' approach, meaning ‘to be reasonable, well-informed, and have good judgment;' but also plays on the other meaning of 'sensible,' namely ‘perceptible to the senses or capable of sensation.’ This is the fundamental misconception challenged in this book: psychics and mediums do not 'sense,' they perceive. Psychic Ability & Development The Sensible Psychic adresses many common questions regarding true psychic ability and psychic development. Is everyone psychic? If not, how does one become psychic? Are psychics born or made? Is psychic ability hereditary or can it be learned? Is psychic ability a gift, talent, or skill? Do psychics and mediums have different psychic senses? How many psychic abilities are there? Which psychic ability is the true sixth sense? Do psychics share certain personality traits? What is the difference between intuitive, sensitive, and psychic? Why do many psychics and mediums report childhood trauma? Where does the information come from in a psychic reading? Do psychics and mediums have to enter a trance state to channel? What is the difference between channeling, reading, and divining? Can psychics really predict the future? Is psychic reading the same as fortune-telling? The Clair Senses Myth There is a long-standing tradition in esoteric teachings, metaphysics, and the occult that each of the ordinary five senses has an equivalent 'astral sense' or a metaphysical 'counterpart.’ Herein lies the origins of much dysfunctional psychic lingo and bizarre myths that have become prevalent. Psychics and mediums do not have 'super senses' or astral 'sense organs.' Instead of promoting true understanding of psychic perception, the use of these 'sensory' concepts have served to only create more misrepresentation in a field already bearing a reputation for being disingenuous, superstitious, weird, and rife with ‘woo-woo.’ The Sender-Receiver Myth The traditional 'tin can phone' model of 'receiving incoming messages’ is a gross underestimation of the mystical, numinous, complex nature of true psychic perception and mediumship. Psychics and mediums are not mind-brain 'receivers.' They are mind-soul perceivers. The reception myth is one of the leading causes of misinformation and myths regarding psychic phenomena. It is also one of the reasons why traditional parapsychology research is not always highly successful. Psychic perception is not a long-distance ‘phone call’ that transmits information from another time or place. It is rather the establishing of resonance with energy information or akashic data that is immediately available in the here and now of the universal consciousness. The Transmission Myth The conventional model of psychic 'sensing’ is problematic because it promotes the mechanistic idea of ‘extrasensory inputs’ transmitted through time and space, and over a distance, to the psychic or medium from an external sender or source. This notion of 'transmitting' is a fundamentally flawed assumption, yet one that stubbornly continues to define how many psychic practitioners and scholars conceive of psychic perception, channeling and mediumship. Instead of this outmoded, misconstrued notion The Sensible Psychic offers a new conceptual model that characterizes authentic psychic perception more accurately, to align with current trends in parapsychology, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, metaphysics, and spirituality. Includes new and revised psychic terminology and a groundbreaking conceptual model for psychic perception ABILITY PERCEPTION RESONANCE TRANSDUCTION AWARENESS IMPRESSION PREFERENCE KNOWING FEELING SENSATION SEEING HEARING SMELLING TASTING INTUITION EBOOK HARDCOVER KINDLE PAPERBACK So You Think Your Are A Psychic or Medium? This is an excellent read for new psychics (beginners) and for professional evidential mediums. This book enlightens you on what you should know before you get started in this field of spirituality and speaking with spirit; along with continuing your education as an evidential medium even if you have received this gift as a child. Never stop learning. The author shares his personal experience from the time he was a small child to the present. He teaches you the do's and don'ts about this industry and brings awareness to you about being a professional psychic or medium and not falling into the category of a charlatan. There is also good reference material in the back of the book. If you are either a psychic or medium this book should be in you library. Andrea H Barnes & Noble Fabulous Book! I’ve been trying to sort out my abilities and experiences all my life. Mainstream and long accepted definitions or norms do not always hold up to the ways that psychic and mediumship abilities themselves seem to be manifesting with less sharply divided edges. This author perceived that and proposes some new terms to accommodate those changes. This book is a great read and chock full of helpful information! Marci Tsohonis Amazon Available at your favorite online book retailer
- The Chakra Energy System | Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Medium & Destiny Coach
The Chakra System The chakras are the energy centers or conduits through which the life energy of the Conscious Universe flows into and out of our aura, or etheric light body. The same Universal Life Force that flows through all the plant and animal kingdom also flows through you via the chakra system. The chakras have three functions, namely being receptors, storage points and transmitters of energy. Becoming familiar with your chakras is one of the most powerful ways in which you can raise your spiritual awareness and access different levels of consciousness. The chakra system may seem simplistic on a rational level, but through meditation one can experience it more fully in its deeper, intuitive dimension, and discover an amazing map to your inner world. The word chakra means ‘wheel’ or ‘disk’, because these energy centers are likened to rotating vortexes or spinning spheres located along our spinal column at major branching points of the human nervous system, known as the ganglia. The seven primary chakras are essentially ‘stacked’ like a tower to form a column or pathway of energy beginning at the base of the spinal column and moving up to the crown of your head. Through these invisible spinning funnels, Universal Energy is received, assimilated and expressed as the Life Force. Each chakra correlates with a fundamental state of consciousness and spiritual awareness. The chakra energy system is an aspect of our spiritual 'light body' which communicates with our material body via its biological systems, such as the endocrine glands and nervous system, to keep us metaphysically balanced and physically healthy. The chakra system is organized in accordance with the human nervous system, and the different chakra points correlate with the location of the major glands in the human endocrine system. Each of the seven major chakras also resonates with its own vibrational frequency for which there are tonal sound correlates. Interestingly, all music in the physical world, at its most fundamental level, consists of only seven notes. Each of the seven primary chakras correspond to these seven basic notes on the musical scale, namely the keys of C, D, E, F, G, A and B. The seven chakras also correlate with the seven colors found in a rainbow, or the primary color spectrum which can be obtained using a glass prism, namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The ancients believed there to be a connection between the seven rainbow colors, the basic musical notes, the planets in our Solar System, and the days of the week. Chakra Activation & Balancing The chakras operate like spinning energy vortexes, which may begin to 'malfunction' or become unbalanced due to various physical, mental, spiritual and environmental influences, stressors and life traumas. Unbalanced chakras need to be re-calibrated, similar to the wheels on a car when they become unstable and begin to wobble. Energy flow to and from the chakras can also become congested or restricted, similar to a blocked drain in the bathroom. Chakra activation and balancing is the process of re-stabilizing and restoring harmonious and efficient energy flow to the energy centers. A variety of spiritual practices and holistic methodologies can be used to successfully activate and balance the chakras, including therapeutic massage, meditation, yoga, reiki, craniosacral therapy, pranic healing, breath work, aromatherapy, crystal healing, color therapy and nutrition. Guided meditation featuring breathing exercises, mindful relaxation techniques, visualizations, affirmations and customized music composed in the appropriate key for each chakra, is one of the most popular and powerful techniques to heal and balance the chakras. Signs & Symptoms Of Chakra Imbalances Each chakra is associated with a specific area of the body and linked to a component of the endocrine system. The manifestation of certain physical and psychological symptoms linked to a certain area, may indicate an imbalance or blockage in the energy flow of that particular chakra. We are often not aware of a chakra imbalance, until the body suddenly makes us aware by presenting these symptoms. These symptoms are the chakra's emergency 'warning system' to make us aware of an energy flow obstruction, or imbalances caused by unwanted underlying mind-body-spirit issues or difficulties. It is therefore spirit's way of demanding our attention, in order to address and correct theses hidden or latent physical, mental, emotional and /or spiritual problems for our own well-being and highest good. MEDITATION GUIDELINES Meditation as a spiritual practice is essential for your spiritual development and increased alignment with the Divine Self. Discover the practical benefits of a daily meditation practice. GUIDED MEDITATIONS Learn to meditate the easy way with the Divine Living Today Guided Meditation series. Download or stream some of my guided meditations and get your practice started today.
- Podcast Interviews | Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Medium & Destiny Coach
Podcast Interviews Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Med ium Your Destiny & Life Path Lighting The Void The Fringe FM November 11, 2019 Your Destiny and Life Path with Psychic Anthon St. Maarten Joe Rupe 00:00 / 1:29:52 Divine Living The Psychic View Psychic Access Talk Radio August 2, 2012 Divine Living - The Psychic Viewpoint on Psychic Access Talk Radio Anthon St. Maarten 00:00 / 1:30:31 Clair Senses - Part II The Psychic Viewpoint Psychic Access Talk Radio October 27, 2011 Clair Senses Part II - The Psychic Viewpoint on Psychic Access Talk Radio Anthon St. Maarten 00:00 / 1:59:48 Spiritual Beings Conversations Beyond Science and Religion July 9, 2012 Conversations Beyond Science and Religion – Spiritual Beings Having a Physical Experience Anthon St. Maarten and Philip Comella 00:00 / 1:30:31 Divine Living Interview Dr. Robert Show Co-Creator Radio Network January 23, 2013 2013-01-23_drrobertshow (2019_06_13 19_4 Anthon St. Maarten and Dr. Robert Pease 00:00 / 1:00:00 Clair Senses - Part I The Psychic Viewpoint Psychic Access Talk Radio August 11, 2011 Clair Senses Part I - The Psychic Viewpoint on Psychic Access Talk Radio Anthon St. Maarten 00:00 / 1:45:39
- Divine Living Today Podcast | Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Medium & Destiny Coach
Episode 1 Your Spiritual Origins 07/25/2012 Your Spiritual Origins Anthon St. Maarten 00:00 / 1:29:52 You are a spiritual being having a physical life experience, not the other way around. Your Divine origins Why we become disconnected from our true spiritual nature Why some people never awaken The Dark Night of the Soul Why some people have to go through trauma to awaken Episode 3 The Art Of Divine Living 08/08/2012 The Art of Divine Living Anthon St. Maarten 00:00 / 1:30:31 Divine Living is the preferred lifestyle choice for many spiritually awakened souls all over the world. What is a Divine Life? Why we must transcend our inner dualism Finding your Soul Purpose The nature for spiritual practice The seven daily habits of a Divine lifestyle Episode 5 Transform Your Thoughts 08/22/2012 Transform Your Thoughts Anthon St. Maarten 00:00 / 1:59:48 To achieve a new outlook on life honoring your inner Divinity, you need to change the way you think. Happiness is simply a choice. Is your reality tunnel being hacked? How you can choose a new reality Why positive thinking does not work How to give your thoughts a much needed make-over Episode 7 Sharpen Your Senses 09/05/2012 Sharpen Your Senses Anthon St. Maarten 00:00 / 1:34:33 To be spiritual is to be acutely aware of your physical reality, not only your inner world. We need full sensory awareness of the material, secular world to truly gain insight into the deepest spiritual truths. Mindfulness, heightened awareness and perceptive living Sensory deprivation vs sensory acuity The spiritual benefits of mindful living How to improve sensory awareness Episode 9 Manifest Your Desires 09/19/2012 Manifest Your Desires Anthon St. Maarten 00:00 / 1:59:38 You are a powerful creator of your own reality and the master of your destiny. You can be, do or have anything your Soul Purpose or Life Calling requires. The truth about manifesting and Law of Attraction failure Is there such a thing as ‘luck’? Destiny vs Free Will Why bad things happen to good people. Episode 2 The Divine Self 08/01/2012 The Divine Self Anthon St. Maarten 00:00 / 1:36:46 Reconnecting and aligning with the Divine Self is the foundation of a truly Divine Life. What is the Divine Self? To be created in the image of the Divine, God or Source The difference between the Divine Self and the Human Ego Soul Purpose versus Life Purpose How to realign with your divinity Episode 4 Maxims Of Divine Living 08/15/2012 The Maxims of Divine Living Anthon St. Maarten 00:00 / 1:56:12 Discover how you too can design an authentic new life of happiness and fulfillment. What is a divine living maxim? Personal mantras to fulfill your Life Plan Practical guidelines to attract more opportunities for soul growth Practices to achieve your Soul Purpose and accomplish your Life Calling Episode 6 Evolve Your Emotions 08/29/2012 Evolve Your Emotions Anthon St. Maarten 00:00 / 1:45:39 Your emotions are part of your ‘spiritual GPS system’ and serve as your compass in this lifetime. What you feel is what you will become. Spiritual resonance or 'vibrational frequency' Do emotions enable us to manifest? How to track your emotions and shift negative emotion The metaphysical power of gratitude and appreciation Episode 8 Increase Your Intuition 09/12/2012 Increase Your Intuition Anthon St. Maarten 00:00 / 1:58:13 Intuition is a key aspect of your powerful inner guidance system. To create a Divine Life we must learn to trust this spiritual compass and tap into intuitive wisdom. The Inner Guidance System The 3 Levels of Intuition Extrasensory Perception Intuition vs. Psychic Ability Intuitive Development Dreamwork, signs and synchronicity Episode 10 Find Your Life Calling 08/08/2012 Find Your Life Calling Anthon St. Maarten 00:00 / 1:34:44 Have you found your true passion? Do you feel you were born to do something special and meaningful with your life? You have unique life purpose or calling. The Stuggle for Life Myth The Fame and Fortune Myth The Smart Seeker's Bucket List How to find your true Life Calling Career Myths and Future Careers Spirituality in business
- About | Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Medium & Destiny Coach
About Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Medium BIOGRAPHY Anthon St. Maarten is a psychic medium, spiritual advisor and destiny coach with a global clientele in more than thirty countries spanning five continents. He has been in full-time practice since 2004. PSYCHIC ABILITIES Anthon's psychic perception abilities enable him to mentally channel metaphysical information or 'energy data' that is otherwise invisible, unseen, ‘hidden,’ mystical, numinous, transcendental. PSYCHIC MEDIUMSHIP Anthon is both a psychic and a medium, as he is able to perceive nonphysical information from both the collective and universal consciousness, as well as the akashic record or spirit realm. ANTHON'S STORY Anthon is a hereditary psychic medium, which means he was born with psychic abilities, but he initially refused to accept his calling. It took a series of life-changing events to change his mind.
- Deep Healing Guided Meditation |
Deep Healing Activation Activate a holistic process of deep healing in the mind-body. Neutralize dysfunctional psycho-biodynamic energy imprints and induce spontaneous mind-body healing reactions. Rejuvenate your immune system and access deep inner resources of restorative power. Stabilize disordered emotional energy and eliminate the anxiety response. Restore the mind-body to its natural state of peace, harmony and perfect balance. Voice: Anthon St. Maarten Music: Christopher Lloyd Clarke Duration: 48:18 Format: MP3 File size: 88.4 MB Description Deep Healing Activation Guided Meditation is designed to activate a holistic process of deep healing of the mind-body. Unhealed wounds from past traumas, and emotional scars caused by life's challenges, often cause dysfunction, dis-ease or disorder in the physical body. This meditation aims to restore those dysfunctional psycho-biodynamic energy patterns that may be causing dis-ease in your life. It seeks to bring forth spontaneous healing reactions by releasing energy imprints caused by past hurts and trauma. This meditation is also designed to rejuvenate immune system function, neutralize manifestations of dis-ease, re-center disordered emotional energy, eliminate the anxiety response, and create access to deep inner resources of well-being and restorative power. It promotes higher levels of physical and mental health, wellness, and performance, and aims to restore the mind-body to its natural, holistic state of balance, harmony and equilibrium, by stimulating the mind and body’s innate ability to heal itself from within. It seeks to restore health and vitality to the wholeness of your being, and return your mind-body to its natural state of peace, harmony and perfect balance. This MP3 recording features a deep guided meditation narration by psychic medium and destiny coach Anthon St. Maarten. The music composition is gentle and hypnotic to support the meditative suggestions of the script. It contains no distracting chimes, piano chords, or any other extravagant instrumentation, and also no unexpected changes in volume or tempo. The music simply features a soothing instrumental experience to induce effortless relaxation, while inspiring spontaneous healing responses. It dissolves the analytical thinking processes, while opening the mind to a peaceful, hypnotic state for subconscious suggestion. It creates the perfect atmospheric accompaniment for the breath-work and relaxation techniques, as well as the powerful affirmations, vivid guided imagery and visualizations featured in this meditation. Trauma Imprints & Cellular Memories Life is not always easy. We all survive difficult times; we face many challenges and setbacks. We are also hurt, sometimes very deeply. And some of those life wounds leave painful scars on our heart and mind, because some of these traumas are stored as dysfunctional energy imprints and cellular memories in our physical body. These energy imprint, or toxic physical memories, can subliminally impact how we function and feel in this world. It can destabilize our emotional well-being and disrupt our physical health. Deep Healing Activation Guided Meditation aims to neutralize these energy imprints. It seeks to transform those wounding, traumatic experiences into strength, wisdom and personal power. Spontaneous Self-Healing The human body is a powerful , self-healing mechanism. It is an intelligent, self-regulating energy system that maintains it own balance and harmony, by constantly realigning with the infinite wisdom of Source Energy and the Universal Life Force that supports and sustains all life in this world. The body is designed to remain synchronized with the natural rhythm of the universe. The body is constantly rejuvenating and restoring itself. You know this to be true because your body has been healing itself in miraculous ways since the day you were born. Your body also speaks to you in many ways. Sometimes it is through a gut feeling, or a hunch, while at other times it is a symptom, sensation or sense of discomfort. Symptoms like pain, and emotions like anxiety, are often just the body’s way of trying to tell us something. But we do not always pay attention to whatever our body is telling us. The body and mind knows what it needs to heal itself, but we tend to override or ignore what the body is saying. And when we do this, we interfere with the body’s natural, self-healing processes. The Deep Healing Activation Guided Meditation aims to restore this inner communication with your body by engaging you in a full body scan to trust and honor your body’s innate wisdom. Disclaimer The contents of this audio recording, and its accompanying information, is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional medical or healthcare advice, therapy or treatment. This meditation is not intended for the purpose of medical diagnosis, or for the sole treatment of any health issue or medical symptom. You should always seek professional medical attention and consult with a registered, licensed healthcare provider, before adopting any form of medical advice, therapy or treatment for any mental or physical health problem. If you are experiencing a serious medical emergency, emotional crisis, or potentially life threatening health problem, you are advised to contact your local emergency services, crisis center or a support line in your area, or go to your nearest hospital emergency room for assistance. NEXT MEDITATION THE CHAKRA SYSTEM The chakra system conducts the flow of universal life energy into and from the aura. The chakras or energy centers act as receptors, storage points and transmitters of psychic energy. MEDITATION GUIDELINES Meditation as a spiritual practice is essential for your spiritual development and increased alignment with the Divine Self. Discover the practical benefits of a daily meditation practice. GUIDED MEDITATIONS Learn to meditate the easy way with the Divine Living Today Guided Meditation series. Download or stream some of my guided meditations and get started today.