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- Clairolfaction – The Gift Of Psychic Smell
Distinctive smell perceptions have long been associated with a variety of psychic and supernatural phenomena. Some psychic mediums with this unusual talent rely on their ability to ‘smell spirit’ in order to validate loved ones who have crossed over, or to identify the presence of spirit entities. Some psychics also use this rare psychic ability to gain insight into events of the past, present and future. It is the unique psychic ability known as clairolfaction, the gift of psychic smell. Psychic smell or clairolfaction is a lesser-known psychic preference involving olfactory or smell perceptions, which may include both pleasant aromas and putrid odors. The term olfaction means ‘sense of smell, faculty of smelling,’ from Latin olfacere ‘to smell, get the smell of,’ and olere ‘to emit a smell.’ However, despite clairolfaction being a rare phenomenon there are many synonyms in everyday use for this psychic perception preference, including: Clairosmesis from Greek osmēsis, from osmasthai to smell, perceive by smell. Clairessence derived from ‘ingredient which gives something its particular character,’ as in ‘distilled oils from plants, fragrance, perfume.’ Clairscent from Old French sentir "to feel, smell, touch, taste; perceive;’ and Latin sentire ‘to perceive, sense, discern.’ Clairalience (etymological origin unknown) In psychology and medicine, smelling an odor that is not physically present in the environment is considered to be an olfactory hallucination, or a medical condition known as phantosmia, or ‘phantom smell.’ Cacosmia , its ‘unpleasant’ version is however found to be more common and typically described as the phantom smell of something burned, foul, spoiled, or rotten. [1] While distortion in ordinary smell perception does indeed occur and certainly requires medical attention, assuming that ‘phantom smells’ are always due to hallucination or medical pathology does not explain why some psychics, mediums, healers, exorcists, and paranormal investigators experience these unusual smell perceptions, while their normal smell otherwise remains unaffected? Clairolfaction is not frequently acknowledged or discussed in the psychic community, probably because it is not a common psychic preference. It is most often associated with unusual mediumship experiences and spirit phenomena. Whether it is purely a mediumship phenomenon, or simply misunderstood or underreported by psychics is unclear, but accounts of this phenomenon traditionally focus mostly on extreme paranormal phenomena, such as poltergeist activity and demonic possession. The case files of paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren include, for example, numerous accounts of foul ‘cacosmic’ odors and bizarre smell phenomena. [2] Psi research data on clairolfaction further appears to be limited mostly to physical mediumship, for example the anecdotal accounts of physical mediums Indridi Indridason and Franek Kluski. Indridason produced a fragrant smell when he was channeling, as well as other smells, such as seaweed. These smells would sometimes cling to other people after he touched them. [3] Memories, imagination, old sentiments, and associations are more readily reached through the sense of smell than through any other channel. ~ Oliver Wendell Various odors also permeated Kluski’s body during séances, including the smells of fruit, leaves, flowers, incense, disinfectant, animal smells, rotting flesh, sweat, and dirty clothing. These smells reportedly clung to him for a long time and were emitted from different parts of his body. [4] It is unfortunate that psychic smelling is generally overlooked in both psi research and the psychic community, as smell perceptions are some of the most psychologically and emotionally meaningful ‘qualia’ people experience. “Not only is it a chief component of taste,” writes Amelia Buckley, “but it holds the key to our emotions. It is a primary factor in memory and can manipulate our feelings in a way that sight or sound can’t quite do.” [5] Smell is indeed a powerful sense. We all experience smell associations that instantly take us back to moments of heightened emotion or special memories. It is no accident, for example, that when we experience a negative intuition or gut feeling we say things like, ‘I smell a rat,’ or ‘it smells to high heaven,’ or ‘something smells fishy.’ Smells have the unique ability to immediately evoke emotions or trigger vivid memories. No other sense can so instantly bring back a meaningful moment from the past, or invoke the memory of a special person or event. This class perception phenomenon is an exceptionally meaningful aspect of channeling or reading for those practitioners who do experience it. Clairolfactory psychics and mediums tend to also perceive clairgustance or psychic taste impressions along with certain smell perceptions. It makes sense that this mental partnership would exists in a metaphysical context, since our physical perception of taste and smell also go hand-in-hand. SMOKE & PERFUME The most commonly reported experiences of psychic smell involve the smell of a deceased loved one’s perfume, as well as smells associated with cigarette and cigar smoke. I had a very striking personal experience of this while having lunch at a restaurant one day, when I began to smell the stench of second-hand tobacco smoke. I complained to the waiter, as it was supposed to be a non-smoking area, but both my companion and the waiter were perplexed, as neither of them smelled anything, and there was clearly nobody smoking inside the venue? Driving home, I soon realized the truth. Whoever had been ‘stinking up’ the restaurant was now also ‘chain-smoking’ inside my car. Later that evening, the ‘culprit’ made himself known during a mediumship reading. The first thing I said to my client was, “whoever the person is you were hoping to connect with today, I can already tell you one thing for sure…he must have smoked like a chimney!” She confirmed that he indeed used to smoke two to three packs a day. Smoke and perfume are however not the only smell perceptions clairolfactors perceive. In readings I have perceived the smell of flowers (especially roses), perfume or cologne, cigarette smoke, leather, incense, spices, fresh bread, fast food (hamburgers and pizza), animals (including dogs, cats, and horses), sea water, and even ‘wet sand.’ Sometimes these smell impressions can be very unpleasant, but fortunately for me that does not happen very often. Foul smells I have had to endure include urine, dirty laundry, and chemicals (alcohol, turpentine, and disinfectant). I have however heard of psychics and mediums who smell even worse things, like ‘burning rubber,’ ‘wet dog,’ and ‘rotting eggs.’ Paranormal investigators also report the smell of sulphur as one of the classic signs of a haunting or demonic activity. [6] [7] OZONE ORBS The most interesting aspect of my own ‘smelling ability’ is an unusual odor I began perceiving early on in my career. While I am channeling, spirit energy at times manifests clairvoyantly in the periphery of my ordinary vision as light orbs of ‘flickering, floating lights,’ comparable to ‘seeing stars,’ or the ‘flashers and floaters’ you see after looking into a bright light. These orbs usually bring with it a distinctive smell. The best way I can describe it is that it smells like ‘electricity’ or ‘ozone.’ It is not unpleasant, simply unusual. For a long time, I had no way of describing it, until I bought a small air purifier many years ago. I soon discovered that the faint smell of ozone, generated in small quantities by the negative ions from the purifier, was quite similar. I have since discovered I am not the only one to experience this phenomenon and that similar cases have been reported physical mediumship. A well-documented example is a report by psi researcher Gustave Geley of a séance conducted by physical medium Franek Kluski on March 17th, 1920, during which he produced ‘phosphorescent lights smelling of ozone.’ From these lights, floating in the air, came what looked like shining smoke, accompanied by a very strong smell of ozone, which the participants smelled until the end of the séance. Some of the participants were touched by what seemed like a shining, flowing stream which over a period continued to shine on the hands, hair, and faces which it touched. The little fires, which kept appearing in increasing numbers, started to travel through the medium and come out of him . [8] According to Geley’s records ozone was the most frequent odor occurring around Kluski during his séances and was often associated with these ‘highly phosphorescent, moving lights.’ [9] AUSPICIOUS AROMA I have been rather fortunate with clairolfaction, as I have in recent years begun to experience an unusual phenomenon of foreboding or portentous clairolfaction that is exceptionally positive, pleasant and uplifting. I suspect it may be something I have been experiencing all my life, but for some reason I only became aware of it more recently. I have also not been able to find any information on this phenomenon. I call it auspicious aroma . Merriam-Webster defines auspicious as ‘having qualities which inspire hope’ and ‘pointing toward a happy outcome,’ while an aroma is ‘a sweet or pleasant smell,’ as well as a ‘special quality or impression associated with something.’ My ‘auspicious aromas’ are pleasant, happy, comforting ‘smells’ that are mostly indescribable, but always a good sign. One of the only significant associations I have been able to make thus far was a smell perception that somehow reminded me of the pantry in my maternal grandparents’ home (one of my favorite places when I was a child). The feeling I have when I perceive these smells is vague excitement and a sense of joy. I have found that they are always a good omen or foreboding that something good, positive, reassuring, or fortunate is about to occur in my life. For me it is essentially the ‘phantom smell’ version of finding a four-leaf clover or seeing a shooting star. Science writer Alexandra Michel argues that psychology textbooks have taught us for decades that there is a clear line of distinction between perception — how we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell — and higher-level cognitive processes that allow us to integrate and interpret our senses. Yet, emerging interdisciplinary research is showing that the delineation between perception and cognition may be much blurrier than previously thought…New findings also show that our so-called low-level perceptual processes, such as smell, may actually be much smarter than previously thought. Discerning exactly what is top-down or bottom-up may be far more complicated than scientists once believed. [10] Neuroscientist John McGann uses cutting-edge techniques to explore the neurobiology of sensory cognition in smell. He uses the olfactory system as a model to investigate neural processing of sensory stimuli. He argues that our nose knows more than we realize. He believes the myth that our ability to smell is ‘non-essential’ is a serious mistake that has caused science to neglect research in this critical and mysterious part of the human mind. [11] In a recent series of experiments McGann discovered that “it was like the information coming into the brain from the nose already had the memory of bad things incorporated into it.” [12] In other words, we appear to be able to ‘know’ or ‘predict’ information from a smell, before the actual smell information even reaches our brain for sensory processing. MEDICAL OLFACTION Similar to other psychic preferences, clairolfactory psychics and mediums also develop personal symbolism or subjective associations with their psychic smell perceptions. For example, I can tell someone is terminally ill whenever I smell ‘rotting peaches.’ This association comes from an early childhood experience when I was about five years old. While visiting my grandparents, they introduced me to a sickly little girl who lived across the street from them. The day we met she was playing outside with her older brother. He was gently pushing her in a makeshift swing attached to the overhanging branch of a large peach tree. The instant I saw her, it seemed like the bright sunlight of a perfect summer’s day suddenly vanished. A dark, depressing shadow descended for me over everything, and I was overwhelmed by a sense of profound sadness, anxiety, despair. In that gloomy moment, the air was thick with the unpleasant odor of rotting peaches on the ground around us. I felt that she was extremely sick and dying, and so I came to associate the ‘peach smell’ with terminal illness. Years later, I was told that soon after we met, she had passed away from leukemia. Clairolfaction is especially meaningful in the context of health and healing, as some medical psychics, mediums and energy healers report the ability to ‘smell disease,’ or detect the early symptoms of illness, or identify affected areas of the body through smell impressions. Research in this field is limited, but there has been renewed interest recently due to Joy Milne who unknowingly smelled her husband had Parkinson's disease — over a decade before his symptoms became severe enough for him to seek help and be diagnosed. Despite a keen sense of smell since childhood, Milne never realized she had a ‘superpower,’ until the couple attended a support group for people with Parkinson's. There were many people gathered in the room and as soon as she walked in, she realized they all had the same ‘greasy, musty smell’ she begun smelling on her husband many years earlier, before he was diagnosed. Once she realized the connection, they approached a researcher in regenerative medicine, but he dismissed her claims, thinking it was impossible. Several months later, he heard about research that showed dogs could smell cancer, [13] which reminded him of Milne. He then invited her to participate in an experiment in which she was asked to smell T-shirts worn overnight by two groups: people who had Parkinson's, and a control group. Not only was she incredibly accurate (she only made one mistake), but she was even able to tell if a person was in the early or late stages of the disease. [14] [15] Interestingly, there is another case of a man who happens to suffer from Parkinson’s hallucinations, during which he smells a ‘noxious skunk-onion excrement odor’ that would suddenly intensify two to three hours before a weather storm, and would last until it has passed. According to a 2013 study he is the first reported case of ‘weather-induced exacerbation of phantosmia.’ [16] Excerpt from The Sensible Psychic: A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception . © 2022 Anthon St. Maarten REFERENCES [1] Leopold, D.A. (2002). Distortion Of Olfactory Perception: Diagnosis And Treatment. Chemical Senses. [2] Warren, E & Warren, L. (2014). In A Dark Place. Graymalkin Media. [3] Haraldsson, E. (2018). Indridi Indridason (Medium). Psi Encyclopedia. The Society for Psychical Research. [4] Weaver, Z. (2018). Franek Kluski. Psi Encyclopedia. The Society for Psychical Research. [5] Buckley, A. (2020). Stop And Smell The Roses! An Ode To The Most Beguiling Sense. [6] Pye, M. et. al. (2011). Exposed, Uncovered & Declassified: Ghosts, Spirits, & Hauntings: Am I Being Haunted? New Page Books. [7] Wilson, C. (2015). Mysteries: An Investigation Into The Occult, The Paranormal, And The Supernatural. Diversion Books. [8] Weaver, Z. (2015). Other Realities? The Enigma Of Franek Kluski’s Mediumship. White Crow Books. [9] Weaver, Z. (2018). Franek Kluski. Psi Encyclopedia. The Society for Psychical Research. [10] Michel, A. (2020). Cognition and Perception: Is There Really A Distinction? Association For Psychological Science. [11] McGann, J.P. (2017). Poor Human Olfaction Is A 19th-Century Myth. Science. [12] Science Podcast: 13 December Show. Listen To Stories On Fear-Enhanced Odor Detection. [13] Experimental Biology. (2019). Study Shows Dogs Can Accurately Sniff Out Cancer In Blood. [14] An Unlikely Superpower. (2020). Invisibilia: Season 6, Episode 3. [15] Trivedi, D.K. et. al. (2019). Discovery Of Volatile Biomarkers Of Parkinson’s Disease From Sebum. ACS Central Science. [16] Aiello, S. R. & Hirsch, A. R. (2013). Phantosmia As A Meteorological Forecaster. International Journal Of Biometeorology. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anthon St. Maarten is a psychic medium and destiny coach with a global clientele of thought leaders, business executives, celebrities, politicians, academics, and luminaries in the arts and sciences in more than thirty countries spanning five continents. He is also a metaphysics teacher, psychic development coach, podcaster, and spiritual blogger. Anthon is a hereditary psychic medium in professional practice since 2004 and a liberal arts post-graduate with a major in psychology . Anthon publishes the spiritual life design blog, The S Word , and is the author of Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny and The Sensible Psychic: A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception.
- Dark Tears Are Pearls Of Wisdom
If you are currently facing a difficult period in your life, please do know that it will not last forever! Better days will be knocking on your door in due course. Time does not only heal all wounds, it also reveals to us the method in all the madness we had to go through. We are often blinded by our own trauma or suffering. For example, earlier today one of my clients begged me to explain to her why she has been having such “bad luck” lately. What had she done to deserve this hell she is going through? In my experience, the pain or anguish we experience in our lives always turns out to be a blessing in disguise, one way or another. But in the midst of our misery it is obviously difficult to see this clearly and objectively. What my ‘bad luck’ client did not know, before she called, was that she has healing in her hands, and that all her torment was empowering her to heal others in the future. She knows that now, although I suspect she does not believe me yet! In time her true destiny will be revealed to her. When I stand before thee at the day’s end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing ~ Rabindranath Tagore It is an undeniable fact that we humans tend to take things for granted very easily. Due to our inherently inquisitive and hedonistic nature, and our constant need for excitement and novelty, we tend to lose interest all too soon in all the good things we have going for us in our lives. We seldom count our blessings! Without the contrasts created by loss, disappointment or suffering, it is unlikely that we will ever truly treasure the real blessings in life, like our health, our talents and our family and friends. If we never experience the chill of a dark winter, it is very unlikely that we will ever cherish the warmth of a bright summer’s day. Nothing stimulates our appetite for the simple joys of life more than the starvation caused by sadness or desperation. Yes, life can be challenging, with a few brilliant peaks, and many dark valleys. But that is why we are here. We are spiritual beings seeking human adventure. We certainly did not sign up to come into this world for a perpetual snooze-fest! Whatever it is you are going through right now, you may want to consider the possibility that we create many of these life challenges for ourselves, before we come into this lifetime. I do believe that we design our own life plan, like a thrilling obstacle course, before we are born. We incarnate into the physical realm, armed and ready with a blue print or road map for exploration of new horizons. Yes, your life is an adventure of continued expansion and evolution into higher consciousness! In order to complete this amazing journey successfully, it is vital that we turn each and every dark tear into a pearl of wisdom, find the blessing in every curse. Do not imagine for one moment that I make these sweeping statements lightly. Believe me, I have not had an easy life. Far from it. Like many fellow seekers, I also went through a Dark Night of the Soul, only difference being that mine lasted longer than most. It started in my pre-teens and continued well into adulthood. For most of my life my psychic heritage and my empathic nature was a burden, a curse and a shameful secret. I experienced much abuse, prejudice, social alienation and personal suffering because of it. I also faced many additional personal obstacles and challenges. I walked the valleys of the shadows of life for a very long time. Today I know and accept that I was meant to be a guide, advisor and healer for others. If I had not gone through all my personal trials and tribulations, I would be pretty useless to others, and my psychic gifts would have been neglected or even completely lost, or wasted. I also discovered over the years Carl Jung’s archetype of the wounded healer, which explains the road I had to travel to where I am today. The wounded healer is empowered by his own healing journey. I have seen the darkness of human misery, and I survived to tell others what a beautiful blessing life truly is. Personal suffering inspired me towards much wisdom and compassion, and it can do the same in your life! I live in constant gratitude and appreciation for all that I have experienced, because it enables me every day to help and support others; to heal broken hearts, transform lives and guide people on their path towards personal fulfillment. Instead of choosing the role of martyr or victim, know that once you liberate yourself from your ego-based suffering, you will become a source of great comfort for others. Once your ‘dark night’ has passed, nobody else will be better suited to teach the valuable life lessons that you had to learn yourself, through so much misery and sacrifice. During these trying times do not settle for bitterness, self-pity or resentment. Embrace instead the divine miracle of your path to greater awareness and understanding. Acknowledge your growing empathy for others, and validate and cherish those people who stand by you, for better or worse. We heal the past by living in the present and visioning the future we deserve. There is much light at the end of this tunnel, and some day soon you too shall find that silver lining. © 2010 Anthon St. Maarten ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anthon St. Maarten is a psychic medium and destiny coach with a global clientele of thought leaders, business executives, celebrities, politicians, academics, and luminaries in the arts and sciences in more than thirty countries spanning five continents. He is also a metaphysics teacher, psychic development coach, podcaster, and spiritual blogger. Anthon is a hereditary psychic medium in professional practice since 2004 and a liberal arts post-graduate with a major in psychology. Anthon publishes the spiritual life design blog, The S Word, and is the author of Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny and The Sensible Psychic: A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception.
- Coming Out Of The Psychic Closet
A well-meaning friend recently sent me a “Happy Father’s Day” meme. At first, I was a little surprised, since I don't have any children, and my dad passed away many moons ago. Then I thought about it again, and responded, “Much appreciated! I am very proud of the man I raised myself to become.” Yes, indeed. Growing up psychic and sane was certainly no mean feat, since my childhood resembled a combination of the movies 'Matilda' and 'The Sixth Sense,' with a sprinkling of 'The Jerry Springer Show', all set against the backdrop of 'The Handmaid’s Tale.' For many years, I thought I was just really stupid, or weird, even crazy. Many of my earliest memories are of vivid extra-sensory experiences and sometimes traumatic paranormal events. Growing up psychic is certainly not for sissies. I woke up many nights with what I perceived to be 'shadow people' standing next to my bed. I still don't like to talk about those days. I am a psychic medium by birth, but only discovered this fact much later in my life. There were many signs and synchronicities over the years, of which some were quite exceptional, but due to my stubborn rejection of my psychic heritage, I only managed to connect all the dots many years later. I inherited my psychic ability from my paternal grandmother. Throughout my childhood my dad used to tell us amazing stories of his mother, and how she used to talk to dead people and foretell the future by looking into people's teacups. Family legend has it that as a young woman she was an 'Irish beauty' with pale skin and piercing violet eyes. She was admired, but also feared by some in the small town where she lived in the 1940s and 5o's. Some of the locals would actually cross the road to avoid her. Apparently, word had gotten around that whenever she talked kindly to strangers, someone in that particular family was going to get sick... or kick the bucket... or both! Poor grandma, I'm sure she meant well. However, whenever they needed their fortunes told, or had problems with paranormal activity in their homes, they always knew where to find her. According to my dad, she was a badass 'ghostbuster' in her day! As a matter of fact I had a terribly traumatic childhood. But afterward I sort of reraised myself ~ Michael Gruber I suspected at a very young age that there must be something terribly wrong with me. I was clearly very different from other children, and it was confirmed soon after my 5th birthday, when the headmistress at kindergarten peppered my tongue with cayenne, in front of the whole school, for telling “tall tales” about a mysterious “angel man” watching over us from the corner of the playground, as well as the sad little "ghost girl" who used to play with us on the merry-go-round. Apparently, I was upsetting the other kids, and some of their parents. At first I thought everyone saw, heard and sensed the same things I did, but on that momentous day in daycare, it became very clear that this was not the case. The name-calling and bullying escalated by the time I went to school. I was a gifted, unusual child growing up in a very religious and politically conservative society. Nevertheless, I was intuitively drawn to the mystical and the paranormal from a very early age. My mom was not impressed, for example, when she discovered one day that her missing glass bowl had been turned upside down and used as a ‘crystal ball’ to do readings for some of the kids in the neighborhood. Not to mention the fact that those kids were a little freaked out too! What can I say... we had no computer games in those days. Growing up in Apartheid South Africa, my childhood environment was shaped by a government policy known at the time as Christelike Nasionale Opvoeding (Christian National Education). This restrictive policy was geared towards social engineering and allowed very little religious or ideological freedom. The Calvinistic and highly chauvinistic values of the regime were drilled into us, and we were programmed not to question authority, and to comply with the prescribed cultural and social expectations of our community. In this stifling environment I was obviously soon misunderstood, ostracized and bullied, to the extent that I began to view my highly sensitive nature and psychic heritage as a shameful secret... as some kind of personal ‘disability.’ To be sensitive, emotional and spiritually aware are still taboos in this world, especially for young men. Combine that with being an empathic ‘new age weirdo’ who talks to dead people... and you have the perfect breeding ground for shame, self-hatred and public humiliation. The fact that my parents were emotionally absent, and not at all nurturing or supportive, did not make things any easier. I soon realized I had to wear a mask and pretend to be what I am not, for fear of rejection and ridicule. I fervently began to resist my extra-sensory experiences. My fascination with all things metaphysical soon became my ‘dirty little secret.’ At least I no longer blurted out the secrets of unsuspecting adults at social gatherings, which often caused many red faces and awkward silences around coffee tables and barbeque fires. I'm sure many folks were quite relieved that I opted to keep my mouth shut. I was fortunate to grow up with a lot of books in my childhood home, and I became the proud owner of a public library card as soon as I could read. Just like Roald Dahl's character, Matilda, books really were my saving grace. Books nurtured, guided and comforted me as a child. Books were my substitute parents and teachers, when the adults in my life failed me. In my late teens, I was fortunate to discovered the classic book, An Experiment with Time by J.W. Dunne, and this helped me a great deal over the years to understand and interpret my dreams, which is a skill I now effectively use in my work. The most important thing I learned from Dunne’s book was that I was not the only guy in the world who sees the future in his dreams. Matilda’s strong young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world like ships on the sea. These books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message: You are not alone ~ Roald Dahl Oddly, books also brought me a fleeting 15 minutes of popularity among my peers. I was around 13 years old at the time and I used to secretly read books about divination, the paranormal, and mediumship, in the school library. It was the safest, most peaceful place for me to hide from the bullies during school breaks. One day three older girls noticed the palmistry book I was reading, and the leader of the pack came over and asked me what it was about. Not used to this kind of attention, especially from older kids, I proceeded to spill the beans, before I even considered how she might respond. Instead of being shocked or amused, she asked me if I could “tell fortunes." Without any hesitation, I said yes. She immediately beckoned her friends over, and insisted I read their palms. I actually knew very little about palmistry, but I was born with the ability to ‘see’ and ‘feel’ things when I touch someone, or hold an object that belongs to them. So, one by one I took their eagerly upturned hands and gave the first psychic readings of my career. I will never forget the expression on their faces as I talked about their problems at home, their schoolwork issues, and all the drama of their teenage romances and the boys they secretly had crushes on. Word spread of the geeky kid in the library who tells fortunes, and soon there was a mob of youngsters waiting for me at the library every day. The library became my ‘psychic parlor’ and a refuge for all the teenage angst of the senior girls. But my newfound fame was short-lived, because the crowding and noise got so out of hand that the school’s librarian had no other choice but to put an end to it. She also sent me to the headmaster’s office, where I received a beating with one of the canes from his extensive collection - for being a disruptive influence, and for doing “the devil’s work.” The following week, at Monday morning assembly, he read from scripture and sternly warned the student body against the evils of witchcraft and satanism. I was just thankful he never called my parents. For a long time, after my stint as the ‘teenage library psychic,’ I refused to publicly acknowledge the existence of psychic or paranormal phenomena. I had by now gone thoroughly undercover, and deep into the psychic closet. Yet, I still was frowned upon by teachers, and rejected and tortured by many of my peers, for daring to be different from the norm. I was a weird kid. Period. On my 16th birthday my father gave me a yellowed, sealed envelope from my grandmother, which she handed to him a few months before her passing. It contained a short letter to his eldest child, explaining my psychic heritage. The letter also contained a St. Christopher pendant, which she said I should wear for my protection. I did not take any of this very seriously at the time, and disregarded all of it as the 'woo-woo' ramblings of an old lady. Sorry grandma, I will apologize to you in person someday, when I finally get back to the Other Side. For many years, I had a problem with intense anxiety and I frequently experienced acute panic attacks. The problem was so severe when I was about 4 or 5 years old, that I had to be rushed to the emergency ward on more than one occasion, and once had to be hospitalized, because I would literally stop breathing. My dad told me years later that on that particular day I was so uncontrollably hysterical, it took the physical strength of two nurses, my dad and the doctor to pin me down for an injection. The first time I personally became fully aware of having these panic attacks, and that they were linked to something beyond this world, was when I was about 7 years old and in the second grade. I was sitting on the living room floor one afternoon, paging through a book, when suddenly an intense sense of dread engulfed me. At the same time an ominous 'shadow' descended upon our home, as if the sky had suddenly turned overcast outside. The living room became gloomy as if it was suddenly twighlight. Someone... or something... was in that room with me. Then, I remember feeling somehow very angry...when the pages of the book in front of me began to vigorously page all by itself... from cover to cover... rapidly... like someone flicking through a deck of cards! I was beyond myself with terror! I ran for dear life, jumping over furniture and just about diving through the front door to get out of that house! Outside the sun was shining brightly and it was still a beautiful, peaceful summer's day. I refused to go back into the house for the rest of the afternoon, patiently waiting on the front lawn, until my parents came home from work. As a child I felt myself to be alone, and I am still, because I know things and must hint at things which others apparently know nothing of, and for the most part do not want to know ~ C.G. Jung Soon after, I woke up one night from some kind of bad dream. Crying inconsolably, I ran to my parents' bedroom, where my mother lay sleeping alone. My dad was not yet home. Mom could make no sense out of what I was trying to say. She thought I was simply afraid of the heavy thunderstorm outside. Apparently, I was sobbing and repeatedly crying, "Daddy has the moon on his face...!" Later that night the phone call came. My father had been in a head-on collision and had not been wearing his seat-belt. He went through the windshield, head first. The shattered glass cut into his face, leaving a large, deep wound shaped like a half moon across his forehead. He carried that scar for the rest of his life. By the way, that 'self-paging' book was certainly not the first or last time that psychokinetic or telekinetic phenomena happened around me. Psychokinetic occurrences are an almost normal, although very infrequent part of my everyday life since I can remember. For example, it is not unusual for me to somehow crash computers and cash registers everywhere I go, when I am out and about on a particularly emotionally distressed day! A few people in my life have also learned not to stand under any exposed overhead light-bulbs, whenever I'm around, as they do tend to unexpectedly explode from time to time. Same thing happens with street lights. One of the funnier instances occurred inside a grocery store in 2009, on a quiet weekday morning. I was walking down the cereal aisle, minding my business, when a piece of PVC water pipe mysteriously became dislodged and dropped from the ceiling, missing my head by inches. Fortunately, I only had a scratch on my face and my shirt was covered in a muddy slush. Interestingly, most of these everyday 'disturbances' subsided and even disappeared once I began working full-time as a psychic professional. One of the most traumatizing and memorable anxiety attacks happened during the school holidays in the early part of 1983. I was 16 years old at the time and waiting for a bus in Church Street in Pretoria, South Africa, when I was suddenly overcome by the most horrible sense of dread. The anxiety was so overwhelming that I could hardly breathe. I had no idea what might have caused this suffocating feeling, but I just new that I was in extreme danger... and I immediately had to get out of that area! At first I walked, but eventually ran like an insane person for about 2 km (1.3 miles). Then, just as suddenly as it came, the feeling was gone. I came to an exhausted halt, drenched in perspiration, yet utterly calm and relieved. This inexplicable incident was soon forgotten, but in recent years I accidentally discovered its true meaning, after sharing some of my childhood experiences with a fellow psychic. I had never made the connection before, but after doing some further research, I soon realized that a few months after my panic episode, on the afternoon of May 20th, 1983, at least 16 people were killed and about 130 injured in a car bomb explosion in Pretoria. The explosion happened outside the Nedbank Square building on Church Street, at the height of the city's rush hour…just a few steps away from where I had been standing on that day when that dreadful panic attack hit me! So much for psychic overload and being an energy sponge. To this day I wonder if I could have made a difference at the time, had I been more empowered with a better understanding of why I was experiencing these bizarre things. In my early 20’s, I was referred to a therapist by my doctor, in the hope of overcoming my anxiety. It was a miraculous synchronicity that I went to see this particular therapist, because he just happened to be a mainstream psychologist who was also interested in alternative spirituality, energy work and holistic healing. For obvious reasons, he never admitted any of this to me at the time, I only figured it out many years later. Instead of just doing the usual psychotherapy, we also did past life regression and energy healing. At the time I did not understand what he was trying to accomplish; I thought he was teaching me some kind of self-hypnosis. And I thought his therapeutic skills sucked, because he spent most of his time sitting back in his armchair with his eyes closed. After many sessions, during which nothing much happened, I had a major breakthrough one day. I remember suddenly feeling an intense ‘explosion’ in the are of my solar plexus, as if a floodgate had burst wide open. I was pinned to the couch by a powerful stream of energy rushing through what felt like a churning ‘cavity’ in my stomach. It was like a tornado drilling right through my spine, and into the floor below me. It was the most astonishing thing I had ever felt. After the initial shock, an incredible sense of relief and freedom washed over me. The therapist asked me what I was feeling, but I was unable to speak. I was completely paralyzed, as if in a trance. Silent tears were running down my face, and I felt profoundly calm, blissful and at peace. Living a spiritual life may not be easy. It demands total authenticity. It brings you to dance to a unique song that only you can hear fully, and sometimes you dance alone because no others can hear the music ~ Debra Moffitt Years later, I figured out that what I had experienced was an unblocking of my solar plexus chakra, which is the energy center for mental understanding of our emotional life. Interestingly, the spiritual lesson of this chakra is to achieve self-love, and acceptance of our place in the stream of life. The solar plexus chakra is often linked to issues relating to self-image or self-esteem, oversensitivity to criticism, fear of rejection, and fears of our secrets being found out. The information stored in this energy center also relates to personal power, our sense of belonging and the consciousness of self within the Universe . It is the basis for a positive, healthy self-image and connection to one's personal spiritual path and life calling. Based on my childhood experiences, I clearly was a prime candidate for developing a problem in this area! Not that any of this mattered much to me at the time. All I cared about was the fact that I never again experienced a single panic attack since that day. On my final visit to the unorthodox ‘shrink,’ he unexpectedly gave me as parting gift a paperback copy of the book Mind To Mind: The Secrets Of Your Mind Energy Revealed, by the late Betty Shine. She was a renowned psychic medium and healer in the United Kingdom, and her book helped me find my way back to who I really was. It opened up a whole new world for me, very far removed from the books on palmistry I used to read in the school library. I soon started doing some of Betty’s meditation exercises. My favorites were Journey to the Centre of the Universe and The Auric Egg. Betty’s exercises became the foundation for my personal psychic re-attunement and my ultimate spiritual awakening. Little did I know at the time that these exercises would eventually become spontaneous experiences that came and went for the next decade. There was a long period when I had recurring dreams and out-of-body experiences of returning to that spiritual ‘university’ on the edge of the Universe, for more and more ‘lessons.’ Betty's book and grandma's pendant were also not the only unusual, synchronistic gifts I received along the way. While I was a senior at university, for example, I became acquainted with a new student, named Rudy. Our friendship was brief, but to this day his synchronous appearance in my life intrigues me. How exactly it happened remains a mystery to me, but one day he just unexpectedly showed up at my door with an unusual gift in a brown paper bag. It was a brand new deck of Rider Waite® Tarot cards. It was not my birthday, or any other special occasion, so I asked him the reason for this unusual gift. His answers still haunts me to this day. “It is best to receive your first deck as a gift, instead of buying it yourself,” he said. Then he left. A few days later I heard that he had dropped out of school and I never saw him again. Sadly, that deck of cards ended up being burned in a bonfire later that year, which a friend and I felt compelled to make in the backyard when we became reborn Christians for a period of time. In 1996, I experienced three consecutive blackouts, or fainting spells, a few weeks apart. I simply fell unconscious for no apparent reason. Twice I badly injured myself, and still have the scars on my left ear and the right side of my forehead. On all three occasions I had profound out-of-body experiences (ODEs). I remember feeling like I was floating and seeing my own body lying on the floor. Then it felt like I was moving very rapidly through a dark tunnel… to a place of safety. It felt like all the sacred knowledge and deepest truths of the Universe were surging through my very being. I also felt intense emotions of well-being, and joy, and peace. It was unbelievable, and so pleasant, that I did not want to return, but I kept hearing a far-off voice telling me that I had to go back, because my work was not done. I felt annoyed that anyone would expect me to go back, but I was being sucked violently back into my body and waking up feeling disoriented, and really miserable. The weird blackouts happened within a period of one month, and I have never experienced anything like it again. After the third incident, I was tested extensively in a medical lab for every possible cause, but nothing was found. They did blood tests, had me running on a treadmill, and even took an MRI scan. Nothing. My doctor was puzzled. Nobody could explain what may have caused me to just fall unconscious, without anything being wrong with my physical health. In fact, I was extremely fit at the time, since I worked part-time as an aerobics and yoga instructor. I was also enrolled for a personal fitness trainer certification course in those days, and it was a source of great amusement for the other students, when I showed up for lectures with a black eye and swollen forehead. Nobody believed my story that I had just fainted for no reason, and they teased me endlessly about “getting wasted and beat up in a pub brawl!” When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind ~ Patrick Rothfuss I had sensed that something significant happened during those blackouts, but I never would have thought that those fainting spells had in fact been near-death experiences (NDEs). The descriptions I read of other people’s NDEs were generally different from what I had experienced, so I did not know what to make of it. Amazingly the answer came to me courtesy of a skeptic! According to research conducted by Dr Kevin Nelson, a leading advocate for brain-based theories for NDEs, the leading cause of near-death experience is fainting. Although Dr. Nelson does not believe that there is anything spiritual about NDEs, he certainly helped me find some answers about my own spiritual and psychic awakening. After these experiences, my psychic awareness rapidly began to increase and intensify, although I still did not take it very seriously and kept it secret from friends and family. After all, I had majored in Psychology in the early 90s and knew very well where people ended up who claimed they ‘saw things’ or ‘heard voices’. I had no intention of becoming just another psychiatric statistic. But after several further traumatic life events, and strange disruptions in my professional and personal life, I eventually could no longer avoid the inevitable. I increasingly felt a sense of urgency to fulfill my true life purpose, whatever that may be. I also continued to have vivid dreams and other psychic and paranormal experiences, which I ignored to the best of my ability. Eventually, I could no longer keep up the pretense. The breakthrough came at a point in time when my life seemed to have spiraled completely out of control. I had reached the stage where I simply felt I had nothing more to lose, and I had finally also lost the will to continue the charade. It all came to a dramatic climax, when I found myself late one night searching Google for the most effective, and least messy methods of suicide... until I experienced an unforgettable metaphysical encounter, which ultimately led to a profound spiritual awakening. It may seem somewhat shocking for me to say this, but today I believe that this was the best thing that could have happen to me at that time. While I thought I was giving up on my crazy life, and throwing in the towel, what really happened was that I finally surrendered my resistance to my true self. At first, I smelled a strangely pleasant odor that I suddenly remembered very vividly from my childhood. This distinctive scent always preceded the ‘floating bubbles of light’ which I used to often see as a child. I had completely forgotten about those experiences, yet here they were again... the flickering light specks that look like ‘bundles of fireflies.' The smell they came with was like electricity, or ozone. It was not unpleasant, simply unusual. For a long time I had no way of describing it, until I bought a small air purifier a few years ago. I soon discovered that the faint smell of ozone, which is generated in small quantities by the negative ions from the purifier, was rather similar in scent. In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their address they eventually live in the metropolis. ~ Quentin Crisp Then a strangely familiar voice spoke to me telepathically. I remember it telling me to be grateful to be alive; that I live in an abundant Universe, that my life was meant to be happy and joyful, and that I had a unique purpose and a special mission to fulfill in this lifetime. I suddenly remembered where I heard that voice before! It was the voice of my ‘imaginary’ playmate ... that very same ‘angel man’ who watched over me on the playground! He was the one who spoke for the ‘others’, the one who was always there when ‘they’ came to visit. When I started working professionally a few years later, he introduced himself to me as “Jordan.” And as time passed, I discovered that his name was actually “Yarden" from the original Hebrew יַרְדֵן, meaning “the descender,” or “to flow down,” or “descending from above.” It was also revealed to me that the word Yarden consists of the Hebrew letters Yud Resh Dalet Nun, read from right to left. My jaw dropped when I uncovered the meaning of every syllable and I soon realized that "Jordan" was much more than just an individual spirit guide, or my personal guardian angel. Yarden was not a person or a singular being, he was a group of entities, a universal energy, an infinite intelligence. Yud is the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and means "hand." The Zohar states that the Yud represents the head of all creatures, and in the Sephrotic tree the Yud symbolizes wisdom - the stage of concealment which precedes its development into a state of expansion in understanding. Yud is the smallest letter in the alphabet, yet is frequently associated with the large concept of emanation, the highest level in the Four World paradigm of Kabbalah. Resh is the 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and means "beginning" or "head". Resh literally means "there is a beginning." Dalet is the 4th letter of the alphabet and means "door" or "doorway." Nun is the 14th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and means "shine, sprout, spread," According to the ancient Kabbalistic text,The Bahir, the bent Nun represents the spinal cord through which the body is fed by the brain. Go figure. To this day I find it quite mind-boggling when I think of that incredible moment. Behind my desk, in front of the flickering screensaver on my laptop computer, intending to plan my own demise... I experienced instead a deeply significant spiritual breakthrough. I was confronted with an overwhelming and sudden awakening to my spiritual origins. I was reconnected with my inner divinity and higher self in a very powerful way. I still did not know what I was going to do going forward, but I finally felt free in that moment to fully acknowledge who I really was, for the first time in my life. For weeks afterwards I was like a hung-over, dazed Rip van Winkle, who had finally woken up after spending many years in a restless, feverish sleep. I was now perceiving with astonishment a sparkling, new, mystical world through the eyes of a newborn. After that fateful night, my life took a remarkable turn for the better. My daily, humdrum existence changed, in radical ways I could have never imagined. In time everything in my environment began to shape and rearrange itself around me. I experienced one synchronistic event after the other. It was as if the right people and the most perfect opportunities just flowed towards me and crossed my path in a miraculous chain of events. I received daily signs and intuitive confirmations, and at night my dreams were filled with ideas and visions of what needed to be done the next day. The confusing riddle that was my ‘dirty little psychic secret’ finally began to fall into place, and gradually my life began to transform. In my youth it was near impossible to find any reliable information on alternative spirituality, metaphysics, psychic phenomena and the paranormal. In those days we did not have films and television shows like The Secret, Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal or What The Bleep Do We Know? There were also no Long Island or Hollywood mediums, or any cable TV for that matter. Bear in mind that I basically grew up without television, since it was only introduced to South Africa when I was in my early teens, but I did spend a lot of time in the movies. The closest thing I had to a psychic role-model in those days was the actress Sissy Spacek in the classic Stephen King film Carrie, as well as the stereotypical gypsy fortune-tellers and their crystal balls in my dad’s old comic books. The metaphysical books I could find in the school library were on subjects like the evils of witchcraft, or how Harry Houdini became a debunker of mediumship. No wonder it took me decades to figure out what all the ‘strange things’ were that I was seeing, hearing and feeling! Fortunately, with the dawning of the new millennium, came the TV show Crossing Over with John Edward, which brought me the final missing puzzle piece. Seeing someone whom I could actually identify with, doing this kind of work out there in public, like it was the most natural thing in the world, gave me the courage to finally come out of the psychic closet myself. Today, my quest continues to liberate others from dogma, ignorance, prejudice and fear, and inspire people to live their life by design and fulfill their true destiny. My early life experiences compel me to search for more answers, and it continues to inspire me to teach and write. The confusion and frustration I had to endure as a child, often due to ignorance, fear and intolerance, made me vow to research, learn and share as much as I could about alternative spirituality, psychic phenomena, parapsychology, the paranormal, and metaphysics. If I can spare just one sensitive child unnecessary trauma, inspire just one adult to come out of the 'psychic closet’, or save just one Indigo soul’s life from ending in tragedy, then the bewilderment I had suffered as a child would all be worth it. © 2017 Anthon St. Maarten ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anthon St. Maarten is a psychic medium and destiny coach with a global clientele of thought leaders, business executives, celebrities, politicians, academics, and luminaries in the arts and sciences in more than thirty countries spanning five continents. He is also a metaphysics teacher, psychic development coach, podcaster, and spiritual blogger. Anthon is a hereditary psychic medium in professional practice since 2004 and a liberal arts post-graduate with a major in psychology. Anthon publishes the spiritual life design blog, The S Word, and is the author of Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny and The Sensible Psychic: A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception.
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- Client Testimonials | Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Medium & Destiny Coach
Testimonials III Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Medium PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE Would highly recommend him to anyone Thank you Anthon for an amazing reading. I was so amazed by the some of the information he knew about me that I had to ask myself after the reading whether there was any way he could have got access to it! I felt inspired and motivated by his predictions as they were an exact match to what I was already planning for my life. He gave me the confidence to proceed and I certainly plan to contact him again. Would highly recommend him to anyone. Proscovia Wagaba 12/4/2014 Best Psychic Directory He sees beyond the day-to-day questions Anthon is truly a gifted reader. After my reading today I felt lighter because I now know what to do. He sees beyond the day-to-day questions, and if you are open to it, can help you see beyond the limitations we impose on ourselves. There is work to be done! Thank you so much Anthon. My gratitude is profound. Celine Fleur 10/7/2014 Website He is an outstanding psychic...I couldn't recommend him more I can't thank Anthon enough for this mind blowing reading. He is an outstanding psychic with a great down to earth manner. Even 24 hours later the only thing I can say is wow. wow, wow, wow. He is 100% accurate, honest, helpful and friendly. I couldn't recommend him more. I bow to his gift. Christina Pfeiffer 10/3/2014 Best Psychic Directory It felt like a weight being lifted from my shoulders It was very nice talking with you yesterday. You have a calming voice and really good intentions. I felt like that a weight being lifted on my shoulders. Please keep your good work, you are one of those exceptional people who really cares for others. Guler 9/24/2014 Email I feel very blessed to have had a reading with Anthon Thank you Anthon for your generous time and inspired guidance. As usual you exceed my expectations with your insight, integrity and accuracy. I feel very blessed to have had a reading with you. Thank you most of all for the markers along the way. It is inspiring to know that good happenings are on the horizon. Bless you dear heart. Suzette Drouault 8/18/2014 Best Psychic Directory This man is gifted beyond measure I had my life-changing reading with Anthon just over a week ago & it's taken me this long to process what happened to me in that 45 minutes. Quite simply, it broke me open; open to the possibility of creating my destiny, open to the fact that Spirit exists - ipso facto so does the Divine, open to the reality that this world is not the only reality, open, to the truth. This man is gifted beyond measure. I was a skeptic & now I'm broken open...God Bless Anthon & his Gift to the world! Thank u!! Alli Maier 8/6/2014 Best Psychic Directory Accurate, caring and helped me more than any reader or friend has I'll start by saying, I've waited a long time to talk with Anthon. I've talked with a few readers in my time, yes some where bad, good or great, but this man was stellar!! Not only was he accurate, you can hear in his voice he was super sincere & REALLY cared. He is the first reader to tell me about me...real me. It was like talking with a friend I've known forever sees me slipping & lovingly telling me get back on track cause I'm worth it. The call left me in tears, I called about a man & hung up not concerned about him as much, but more about me. I'm not one to cry nor fall for many tricks...this man is real & lovely. He didn't rush, try to keep me on the phone, Accurate, caring & helped me more than any reader or friend has. Thank you Anthon! Client 2493293 7/10/2014 Click4Advisor He is kind, bright and accurate! I have had the pleasure to speak with Anthon a number of times now, my first reading was a month after my Mom passed away- he brought her, her personality, her love and her words to me - I felt such comfort and gratitude. Since then I have reached out to him to find clarity with my divorce, my children, and my future happiness.. I can not say the words that express properly my feelings towards the talent of this man- he is kind, bright & accurate! Thank you Anthon for caring & helping! Tania Foster 6/24/2014 Best Psychic Directory He made a somewhat skeptic in me into an avid believer WOW is what i kept saying! This was my first reading with a professional Psychic and Anthon was more than what i expected. He connected with what was happening to me immediately and was both professional and down to earth in he's approach with me. He made a somewhat skeptic in me into an avid believer. Thank you! You really do have a special gift. Stacey-lee Saunders 1/15/2014 Best Psychic Directory He knew things that no one couldn't have known When I started speaking to Anthon, he asked me how he could help me and I told him I wanted to connect with a deceased loved one. He then told me that was all he needed to know. After that everything else he said just blew me away. He knew things that no one couldn't have known. He made me laugh, he made me cry with happiness. He brought me so much clarity. He is genuine. He has a rare gift and I paid for an hour but he took longer jus tot give me clarity. I am so so grateful. He is THAT good. Jabulile Ngwenya 10/4/2013 Best Psychic Directory I am still in awe of his accuracy and precision Anthon is a truly gifted psychic and medium. I am still in awe of his accuracy and precision in the reading with him. He communicated with a relative that had passed away suddenly some years ago and was amazingly detailed with facts, events and even names. What is more impressive about Anthon is you immediately get the sense that he truly cares and wants to help you and help those that have passed trying to get through. I feel lucky and blessed to have connected with him. Thank you Anthon! Tommy Aquinas 10/2/2013 Best Psychic Directory Anthon is a genuine, very accurate and caring psychic Thank you Anthon for your soothing words and welcomed advice. Anthon is a genuine, very accurate and caring psychic. He is a "gem in the rough" when it comes to psychics. Not only does Anthon give a very accurate reading but he offers guidance in the kindest of ways. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank you for your service to man kind!! Lauren Cheney 7/5/2013 Best Psychic Directory His insights were amazing and very accurate I had an amazing first reading with Anthon. He addressed several key situations that are currently happening in my life. I came away with a sense of confidence that I am on the right track. Anthon helped me understand that my only road blocks are ones that I create myself. His insights were amazing and very accurate. I am looking forward to seeing how his future predictions for me unfold. Thank you. Sharon Ring 1/26/2013 Best Psychic Directory I felt such a sense of peace that I haven't felt in so long how I felt after having my reading with Anthon! I told him that I wanted to leave a testimonial because I wanted to share with others who have been searching for a true psychic to help them find one and I've always believed that we should share the blessings that we have in our lives with others. I was blessed to have the opportunity to have the best reading of my life with Anthon. I felt such a sense of peace that I haven't felt in so long, Thank you so much Anthon! Mee-sha Chan 1/24/2013 Best Psychic Directory He picked up on key details that I have never discussed with anyone Anthon really gave me a lot to think about in my first readin - especially as I was not expecting him to tell me that going back to Japan would be a good move for me. I also have to admit that he was spot on with everything he said about me. He picked up on key details that I have never discussed with anyone and he did it with humor. I must add that I have been around psychics for a good part of my life, and considering everyone I have known, Anthon is definitely at the top. Larry Pedersen 12/2/2012 Best Psychic Directory I am highly impressed with Anthon's gift Anthon is an amazing psychic, a great coach and adviser who brought a lot of meaning back into my life. His reading was exceptionally accurate in terms of facts about my life and perception of my feelings. I am highly impressed with Anthon's gift, he is a very special person and i fully recommend him, you will not be dissapointed. Thank You, Anthon! Ela Meyer 12/1/2012 Best Psychic Directory Stuff no medium has ever been able to confirm, came through him Anthon is by far the most professional and gifted psychic medium I have ever had the pleasure of talking to. Being a medium and developing medium myself, I have become much more confident in my abilities and know that this is truly to "help" people. Anthon cares about each of his clients, he strives to give the best reading possible. He connected with my late brother, stuff no medium has ever been able to confirm, came through him. He is entertaining and genuine. A real "class act" A+++ Jennelle Evans 10/29/2012 Best Psychic Directory I can say that Anthon is a psychic's psychic! I chose Anthon to read for me because of his intelligence, spiritual viewpoints, depth of knowledge--and he did not disappoint; his reading was enlightening, empathic, empowering, spiritual and practical all at the same time. It was the single-most powerful reading that I have ever experienced. As a practicing reader myself, I can say that Anthon is a psychic's psychic! I feel uplifted, clear, and see a progression of self-directed events that will lead me to my goals. I highly recommend him! Celine Fleur 10/8/2012 Best Psychic Directory PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE
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- Psychic Development Course | Anthon St. Maarten Psychic Medium & Destiny Coach
new course launching soon new course launching soon new course launching soon Explore your true psychic potential beyond the pop culture 'woo-woo' and mainstream stereotypes. A comprehensive psychic development course designed to unlock your innate psychic potential, harness your transpersonal sensitivity and develop skills as a psychic channeler or reader. This groundbreaking program delves deep into true psychic channeling and mediumship to dispel many of the modern myths and misconceptions surrounding psychic ability and the so-called "clair senses." It offers a no-nonsense exploration of true psychic perception and is not just another course on divination, oracle cards, crystal healing, or the chakras. PROGRAM OPTIONS SELF-STUDY Study independently according to your own schedule. Access course materials whenever and wherever you want, progressing through the content in your own way at your preferred speed. GROUP COACHI NG Participate in interactive online sessions in a friendly, supportive group setting. Benefit from shared experiences, discussions, and insights guided by a knowledgeable coach. PRIVATE COACHING Personalized coaching tailored to your unique needs in addition to the group sessions. Receive one-on-one support and mentorship throughout the training program. JOIN THE WAITING LIST THE PROGRAM PHILOSOPHY The course content bridges the gap between a rational left-brain approach and an intuitive right-brain approach by finding a level-headed middle ground between theory and practice, physics and metaphysics, and science and spirituality. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Discover new psychic terminology and a groundbreaking conceptual model that challenges outdated misconceptions and empowers your with a sophisticated understanding of true psychic perception. Learn practical techniques to harness your natural gifts, enhance your ability to interpret your unique psychic impressions, and communicate your psychic perceptions with clarity and confidence. WHO IS THE PROGRAM FOR? Whether you're a newly awakened psychic, an advanced student who has had limited success with other psychic courses, or an experienced practitioner looking to deepen your existing knowledge and further sharpen your skills, this course offers a supportive, enlightening, and myth-busting journey into the fascinating world of authentic psychic perception without the usual fluff. ABOUT THE COACH Anthon St. Maarten is a psychic medium and destiny coach with a global clientele in more than thirty countries spanning five continents. He is also a metaphysics teacher, podcaster, spiritual blogger, and author of Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny. Anthon is a hereditary psychic medium in professional practice since 2004 and a liberal arts postgraduate with a degree in psychology. This program was inspired by my own life-long quest and three decades of study, research and practice to understand my own psychic abilities and supernatural experiences. In this course I share what I have learned to empower others who are also navigating the confusing myths, superstitions and misinformation about psychic perception. Course Curriculum Module 1: Psychic Ability What is psychic ability? Is everyone psychic? Understanding your own psychic potential Nature vs. nurture Heredity and genetics Psychological traits and sensitivity Childhood trauma and early development Adult psychic awakening Gifts vs. talents Psychic ability as a calling Self-assess your potential Module 2: Psychic Perception Understanding the mind-soul Psychic myths & misnomers The Extrasensory Perception Myth The Receiving Myth The Transmission Myth The External Input Myth The Psychic Influence Myth Psychic Sensing vs. Psychic Perception A New Model for Psychic Perception Module 3: Psychic Resonance What is psychic resonance? The subconscious state of resonance Metaphysical resonance Psychic resonance Grounding, centering & shielding Module 4: Psychic Awareness Everyday psychic experiences Dream awareness & mystical events Altered states of consciousness The psi-conducive state The true sixth sense Achieving the state of psychic awareness Module 5: Psychic Impressions The concept of psychic qualia Characteristics of psychic qualia Understanding psychic convergence The process of psychic development The nature of psychic symbols Dealing with psychic amnesia Module 6: Psychic Preferences The clair sense myth The clairsentience misnomer What are psychic preferences Clairsapient preference Clairsensory preference Clairsentient preference Discover your unique preferences Psychics and mediums do not 'sense' They perceive. Module 7: Psychic Sapience What is psychic knowing Understanding claircognizance Divine inspiration Precognition Retrocognition Module 8: Psychic Sentience What is psychic feeling Understanding transpersonal empathy The concept of clairintuition Intuition vs. instinct Intuitive vs. psychic Precognition vs. premonition Module 9: Psychic Sensing Clairvoyance (psychic seeing) Clairaudience (psychic hearing) Clairoflaction (psychic smelling) Clairgustance (psychic tasting) Clairsomatica (psychic somatosensation) Module 10: Psychic Channeling Channeling vs. reading Channeling vs. divining The process of psychic channeling The source of psychic information The qualities of energy data Guidelines for ethical psychic practices Module 11: Psychic Practice Practical applications of psychic perception Psychic perception in daily life Professional psychic reading Module 12: Psychic Mediumship Mediumship and Spirit Communication Psychic channeling vs. mediumship Types of mediumship Communicating with spirit Ethics of mediumship JOIN THE WAITING LIST